Digital Marketing

Should You Add a Blog to Your Podcast Website?

Podcasting is one of the best tools to share your passion and experience online. Free from the restrictions of traditional radio, you are only limited by your imagination in terms of format, content and duration.

Podcasts may have started out as “poor man’s radio show”, but that is no longer the case! Podcasts are also very popular with the public and are almost a requirement for entrepreneurs trying to build a following today. But as effective as podcasts are, we still see a lot of people just posting an episode and leaving it at that! It is a must that you try to be as attractive as possible on your podcast website in order to reach as many people as possible with the content.

show notes

When deciding what written content to add to your podcast, first understand the difference between a blog post and show notes. Show Notes simply summarizes the content of a podcast and provides links to products, guest websites, or any other resources mentioned in the episode. Essentially, it allows listeners to continue their research by following the podcast. You can also take listeners a your podcast through SEO.

Without at least one page of show notes, anything the listener needs to take away from the episode will have to be remembered or written down. This violates a basic business principle: don’t put unnecessary obstacles between the customer and the product. With a show notes page, following a link is as simple as clicking, instead of having to remember and enter a web address (and without spending time “on air” reading and spelling links and coupon codes).

On top of that, having to visit your page to get a link means the customer is visiting your page, even if it’s just to find something else. At that point, you have the opportunity to advertise, invite them to join your mailing list, and generally make a bigger impact.


Professional writers know that writing about something is the best way to hone your understanding of it, and great bloggers know that an ongoing “conversation” with an audience still depends heavily on the use of the written word. A podcast or video can be spontaneous and incredibly human, a great way to make your audience feel like they know you. A blog, on the other hand, allows you to display pure authority.

Writing words on paper (or in WordPress) is the ultimate commitment to your message, dating back to when the word was the only way to accurately preserve and transfer information. Although a podcast is as permanent as a blog, the written word still carries that extra seriousness What distinguishes an expert? If nothing else, good writing shows the kind of consideration that separates true passion from simple salesmanship.

By having a blog as part of your website, with links to your podcast (and a link on your podcast site to your blog), you’ll generate those coveted SEO algorithm back-links!

You get the best of all three worlds:

1. You are engaging listeners through the audio of the podcast.

2. You are attracting readers and followers on your website.

3. You are activating additional SEO algorithms that will help your program rank higher in search engines!

That’s a WIN-WIN-WIN in my book!

Start working on this aspect of communication with your audience and grow!

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