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Reduce the volume of your ringing in the ears reducing your stress

Almost a third of the population suffers from Tinnitus; Ringing in the ears. And, of that third, around 25% percent have it severe enough to seek medical attention. So, to the millions of tinnitus sufferers; those who suffer daily, the focus of this article is on you. I am going to share with you an amazing secret that will control the volume of your tinnitus like nothing else. The catch is; it may be the hardest thing you’ve ever had to learn.

It’s hard because most people don’t even understand what makes their call stronger; much less how to deal with it. You hear about it all the time. Many people know the symptoms, but the vast majority of people have no idea how to treat it. And believe me, you are your own worst enemy as a tinnitus patient. What is it? What is this dreaded monster?


I can feel you stressing out just reading it. But by far the #1 way to reduce tinnitus loudness is; “Get rid of your stress.”


Why is it so hard to do? Well, for starters, most people have no idea what stress is. Most of the people think that it is the symptoms, ie: anxiety, anxiety, being tense, feeling anger, resentment, etc. The truth is that the symptoms are not stress. And therefore, once you learn the actual definition of stress, only then can you learn how to get rid of it. So, here is the definition of stress…

Stress is; “The amount of energy you put into resisting your situation.”

It’s not the situation that causes you stress, it’s the energy you put into resisting the situation. So how do you not resist? Well, there are actually only 2 non-resistant options that you can do in any stressful situation and they are either; a) accept it or b) walk away from the situation. Do you know how many people misunderstand this concept? Staying and fighting only makes the stress worse because you are acting out of fear and your ego wants to win. You cannot win, especially at the expense of others.

So, let’s talk about tinnitus and stress. Tinnitus actually causes stress due to the constant ringing in the ears. The worst part of this is; when you’re stressed, the volume of your tinnitus increases and you get more stressed, right? That is why tinnitus is such a difficult thing because you are constantly stuck in a vicious cycle of stress and constant ringing. That’s no way to live, is it?

How is stress reduced? Stop hating tinnitus. It is a very difficult concept for you to accept, but the fact is that hating your tinnitus causes more stress because you are resisting it. Whose! Tinnitus is your friend. He’s here to tell you something about your life that you don’t like yet. He’s here to tell you that you need to take better care of yourself. You have to be doing what you want to do instead of what others expect of you.

Acceptance of tinnitus is the key to healing. When you accept your tinnitus you will reduce the stress and anxiety it causes and therefore reduce your volume. Remember, reduce stress = reduce volume. Guaranteed!

Knowing the definition of stress will help you a lot, and knowing that you have to accept tinnitus will help you, but it won’t give you the weapons you need to win the battle. I can’t show you that in an email. That is a journey you will have to take over a period of time. But, there is no better time than “now” to start anything. Whenever it’s 2 weeks from now, it’ll be NOW! Therefore, it will always be now, and therefore it can only start, NOW! Are you confused now?

What I’m really trying to say is this; I know you can handle this if you simply make a clear and conscious choice to learn all you can about acceptance. If you don’t try, you will still be completely stressed out and going crazy with Tinnitus many years from now. You don’t really want that now… do you?

Author Paul Tobey has developed a free e-report “The Top Six Ways to Reduce Tinnitus.” It will change the way you feel about Tinnitus forever. Check it out…

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