Real Estate

Protecting your family property against bindings and failures

Today, most residential homeowners do not realize that they do not have a “legal status” for housing in their home.

Some states have home benefits and exemptions, but very few people have not realized that they must first “proclaim” their home as their home to qualify for such benefits.

Currently, the states with the best limits for housing protection are Florida and then Texas, but few homeowners have failed to legally establish their housing status and receive the protection they are entitled to under that state’s constitution. THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION DOES NOT protect your home!

One of the worst courses of action any homeowner can take is to download one of those “cheap and easy” housing forms online, without having a thorough understanding of housing laws and their limitations and / or how it may affect them. , specifically.

Never, never, never buy a generic form over the Internet unless you fully understand the Homestead laws in your state and can defend the meaning and purpose of that form in a court of law. This is highly discouraged and probably one of the worst things you can do. Buying a cheap and very expensive Homestead shape “product” on the Internet (normal cost: $ 25-50), instead of buying a valuable “service”. This is a very poor form of asset protection and estate planning. Your residential home is your greatest financial asset that you and your family have. Don’t get “cheap and / or thrifty” when it comes to protecting your home. Remember, the old wise saying, “You get what you pay for!” – there is a lot of truth in that

The biggest misconception is that homeowners “assume” that the Homestead exemption protects their residential home … IT DOESN’T!

You must protect your greatest asset – your home against any potential future litigation and claims that may be brought against your home, unless several specific auto-execution procedures are completed and filed in their entirety.

We are proud to announce the expansion of Homestead Services of Florida to other states and the launch of our website for our revolutionary home protection service.

What exactly is “Homestead Services of Florida”?

What do we do:

We offer the ultimate protection for your Florida home against all judgments, bindings, attachments, and non-equity judgments of liens.

What ties or lawsuits are considered “non-equity”?

medical bills, credit cards, child support, nursing home,

trial of lawsuits, etc.

What links or judgments are considered “Fairness”?

1) mortgage

2) Real estate taxes

3) Evaluation or maintenance fees (condominium, villa, restricted deed)

4) construction gold mechanical links

Unfortunately, most of us would agree that our legal system has gone haywire and is out of control. With more than 19,000,000 lawsuits filed annually generating more than $ 135,000,000,000 billion dollars in court costs and legal fees, against individuals and companies. These numbers have risen steadily from year to year and continue to rise dramatically, surpassing totals from previous years.

Most of today’s consumers feel that we live in a “Sue-Crazy” society. Statistically speaking, a person has a three times (3 times) higher risk of being legally sued in a court of law and after being admitted to a hospital for an accident or illness.

It is critical that individuals and business owners guard against this realistic possibility.

If you have money, the lawyers want it!

Every time a new lawsuit is filed, it becomes a “Declaration of War.” Attorneys fight to take assets away from anyone they can drag into your case. Just because you’ve never had a legal problem yet doesn’t mean you’re in any way safe. Even if you have to defend yourself, it can cost you thousands of sunk dollars in legal fees. You should always prepare your defensive systems. The only way you can win this war is to have your affairs in order BEFORE a lawsuit is filed against you.

Example in my state of Florida:

The biggest “assumed” myth by most Florida homeowners is that they believe and have falsely assumed that the Florida homestead exemption protects their homeownership – legally it does not!



A Florida homeowner says, “But do I get my homestead exemption every year? Yes, this may be true, BUT it does NOT legally protect your homestead property. The primary purpose of the homestead exemption is your discount $ 25,000 annual Florida home value taxes.

Do you realize that any person, attorney, business, government agency, code enforcement board, or any entity can file a bond claim against your Home at any time, for any reason, without cause or notice?

Florida law states that you do not even need to be legally notified if a bond is placed against your home. Judgments and ties can remain in effect against your family property for between 14 and 20 years, depending on the year it was filed!

Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense in a court of law! We help Florida homeowners exercise their legal rights to provide maximum protection while protecting their most valuable asset, their Florida home.

By utilizing our unique professional services through the use of legal documentation, filing and registration system, we are able to protect your Florida home from most judgments, bindings, attachments, lawsuits, and litigation, which is often the first asset they are brought against. most of the sentence links. .

But without our valuable services, your home is 100% financially and completely exposed to liabilities, lawsuits, frivolous and / or bona fide attachments and is NOT protected by the full protection of the Florida Constitution and Florida Homestead laws as you assumed incorrectly.

Once a judgment, lien, or lien is attached against your Florida home, be it a frivolous or legitimate claim, you can only do 1 of 3 things:

Hire an attorney and contest your claim in court – very expensive

Pay your claim – very expensive.

Use Homestead Services to make your claim legally unenforceable without the expense of hiring an attorney, which is inexpensive.

Call or email us and protect your Florida home today!

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