
Potty Training Age – Has your child reached the right potty training age?

Potty training usually begins when a child is about 18 months old. This is because, by this time, the child has acquired a level of bowel and bladder control that allows them to stay dry for long periods of time. In addition, he is able to understand verbal and non-verbal communication and make himself understood. If the child is urinating more at a time, prefers dry diapers, shows discomfort when wet or dirty, and can wake up in the morning without wetting the bed, then consider these as signs that it is time to start learning to go. to the bathroom.

Of course, your child could begin to show these signs of readiness before eighteen months of age or perhaps later. Both are perfectly normal and common occurrences. There is no need to worry. It has been noted that girls invariably show signs of readiness earlier than boys. So if you have a young daughter, you’re probably in luck because she’ll spend less time potty training her.

You will need to be there to help and encourage your child. This means motivating him through words and gestures and, very importantly, developing an instinct to understand what he is trying to tell you. A toddler’s motor skills aren’t developed enough to allow him to independently take off his pajamas or use the potty on her own. So help him. Children learn through imitation, so you may want to go through the motions so that the child can observe and grasp the process.

Just as there is no set age for potty training, there is also no set duration for the potty training process. Prepare yourself mentally for a six-month routine. If it starts late, as it sometimes can, then the child may be mature enough to return to the procedure sooner.

It is a good idea to try to instill bathroom hygiene in your child by verbally reinforcing the relationship between the bathroom and the bowel-cleansing routine. You can start this from a young age. It will help the child when it comes time to learn to go to the bathroom.

The goal of potty training is to allow the child to use the potty almost completely independently and to be diaper-free. That’s why it’s important to start the process at the right age so that when it’s time for the child to leave the house for preschool, she can do so with confidence.

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