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Leadership and change in a holographic universe

Have you ever noticed that since the early part of the 20th century, almost all new scientific theories manage to sound more and more like the same kind of metaphysical philosophies that science once ruled out? Well, it’s happening again, and this time our views about the structure of the universe, the power of human consciousness, and even the nature of reality itself are being challenged by a new initial finding: that many hard-to-explain events and puzzles scientists suddenly become clear. and easily understandable if we consider that everything we see and experience around us is not actually a physical reality, but our own interpretation of an infinitely large, dynamic, multidimensional hologram, constructed and interpreted through our own consciousness.

Most people are familiar with the concept of a graphic hologram: an image printed on special film that, when illuminated with a certain type of laser, projects a three-dimensional image that can be viewed from any angle. One of the most fascinating features of holograms is that if you cut the original film into pieces, each piece will still project a complete, flawless version of the original image. In other words, due to the unique structure of a hologram, no matter how small you break it down, each part contains all the information of the whole.

So what does the possibility of a holographic universe have to do with leadership and change? Simply this: that the nature of a holographic universe is the same as that of a holographic image, only on an infinitely larger and more complex scale. Literally, in a holographic universe each person, each speck of dust, each particle contains all the information of the entire universe within itself. Even more intriguing is the possibility that we (our combined consciousness) have an almost certain share, if not full responsibility, in creating what we perceive to be reality around us.

There are three important implications for the nature of reality, and for creating changes in that reality, that we can draw from the Holographic Universe theory:

The totality of the whole exists within each part.

This aspect of living in a holographic universe has been expressed for centuries in one eloquent word: nemast (literally, the divine in me recognizes and greets the divine in you). This belief that God-nature is not only at the core of our being, but also expresses through us, can now be grounded in sound scientific theory. If we are indeed part of a holographic universe, then each of us contains all the information, all the aspects and all the power contained in the whole, on a smaller and less complex scale. We would literally be created in the image of All That Is.

In fact, we would also be miniature holograms in nature. Some studies on human consciousness and the way the brain and body work support this. In one experiment, doctors found that regardless of which parts of the rats’ brains were removed, the researchers couldn’t “clip” memories of how to perform previously learned tasks, suggesting that the brain stores information holographically and that all the parts contain the necessary information. to rebuild the whole. Likewise, emotions, feelings, and even memory have been found to originate throughout the body, rather than emanating from a single point or source, and extend far beyond the confines of the physical body; changes in nearby attendees.

If consciousness creates the physical world, then a change in consciousness can change the physical world.

While this has been accepted as philosophical and spiritual fact for eons, scientific support for this idea has only recently begun to appear. If consciousness can profoundly and sincerely alter its own perception or reality, the surrounding reality would change to match it. This, in turn, supports the concept that we are all connected in some way beyond the material universe. If the material universe is merely a holographic construct of our consciousness, then the appearance of physical existence and the individuality of that existence is simply part of that illusion, out of which our consciousness must reside.

In fact, these aspects of holographic reality provide amazingly elegant explanations for quite a few hard-to-explain events, such as spontaneous healing, action at a distance, and the placebo effect. The reality we see can change dramatically depending on our understanding of it, and our external connection outside of the physical universe means that there really is no such thing as true distance, either in time or space, but simply the illusion of such. created by our limited point of view.

The whole is an emergent phenomenon of the parts.

An emergent phenomenon is a behavior or state of being that is greater than the sum of its parts, but reflects the nature of those parts. For example, life is an emergent phenomenon; the unique quality we call “life” is largely determined by the nature of its constituents, and yet life is much more than the simple sum of its component atoms and molecules.

Likewise, a holographic image is composed of and determined by the nature of the light that was used to create it. Change the angle of that light or the source of that image and you will get a completely different image. In a holographic universe, not only would we (the constituents) reflect the nature of the universe, but the nature of the universe would also be a reflection of us. Therefore, if we were to change the nature of our own reality, it would alter the nature of the reality around us.

Of course, the whole influences the part more than the part can influence the whole, which is why you can’t fly when you jump off the Empire State Building no matter how sincerely you think you can. Probability theorists call the propensity of more likely alternatives to coalesce and become stronger, while less likely alternatives die out, sturdiness. They propose that this action explains why we all see the same reality even though experiments have shown that the physical nature of reality changes each time it is observed. Apparently, the harmonic resonance of the most likely outcomes amplifies their “imprint” in reality and drowns out the otherwise individual bitter notes, creating a stable but continuously evolving shared perception.

Those who would be leaders or change agents in a holographic reality must understand that superficial actions cannot bring about meaningful leadership and lasting change, regardless of intent. Instead, the ideals of change and leadership must be “imprinted” on the surrounding reality, just as a seed crystal imprints its form on the surrounding crystallization matrix. This can only be done by incorporating a complete and detailed representation of what we want the larger whole to look like, and thereby changing the very nature of the parts that make up the whole. If we can then help others to do the same (which will be easier, since our own transformation and contact with others will begin to change their own perception of reality), the effect spreads exponentially.

Of course, religious and philosophical leaders have accepted the concept of reality with these holographic aspects for eons. This belief is evident in all times and cultures: in Gandhi’s exhortation to “… be the change you wish to see in the world”, in the biblical promise that what two or more believers agree or ask for will come true . thus, in the Sufi belief that every breath we take destroys the old reality and creates the new, and that the physical world is simply an insubstantial “movie” created by the flickering image of this creation and destruction projected on the screen of our consciousness .

The implications for the nature of leadership and change in a holographic universe, both for us as individuals and for society as a whole, are simply stunning. And yet, at the same time, these “amazing new discoveries” only confirm what spiritual teachings throughout human time have always held to be true: that we are all connected outside of the illusion of the physical universe (that we create and alter to meet our needs), that we are all created in the image of God and possess the nature of God within us and that the only way to create real and lasting change is to completely alter our actions, thoughts and beliefs so that we truly begin to embody the change we wish to see on a deep cellular level: changing reality by changing our awareness and understanding of its very nature.

Science, society and our understanding of reality seem to have made a giant circle to approach their beginnings from behind, like the mythological snake biting its own tail. But before we fret over the waste of time and energy this represents, as some might do, perhaps we should consider that perhaps the journey was the point. Sometimes you have to walk the world to realize the beauty and value of your own backyard.

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