
How To Get Great Publicity Because Of Someone Else’s Mistake

In a previous article, I wrote about the story Could it happen here? This is when the local media picks up a story that’s on the national news and tries to track it down. One example I cited was the 1995 Oklahoma City federal building bombing, which prompted local news organizations to ask about security measures at local federal buildings and whether local federal workers felt safe. in the workplace in light of the attack. Another example I used was the story of several children who got sick after playing on a lawn that had just been treated with lawn chemicals. Local landscaping companies across the country were challenged over their own security policies. From oil spills and bank fraud to Columbine-style school massacres, the story of Could It Happen Here? it is standard for local media.

Unfortunately, these stories are often the result of someone in your industry making a big mistake through negligence or criminality, putting you and the rest of your trusted colleagues in the position of having to defend the industry or practice. in question.

Let’s turn this negative into a positive. When the local media tries to locate a national story, the first question they ask is, “Who can we talk to?” They need a spokesperson, someone in the industry who is willing to address the often negative national problem. Be that person! Find national stories that people are talking about locally and offer the media your experience and advice. For example, let’s say you were a banker, stockbroker, or investment adviser during the Enron collapse or the Bernie Madoff scandal, two national stories everyone was talking about. You could have taken the initiative to call the local media outlets and not only offer an insider’s perspective on how these things could happen, but you could have also supplemented it with tips for viewers and readers on how to protect themselves from falling victim to such financial tragedies. .

There are two benefits to this approach. First of all, he presented himself as the informed expert who not only helped the media tell the story, but also had valuable advice for the average American who has investments. The second benefit? Guess what happens when your company calls the media a few months later asking for publicity for your grand opening, fundraiser, health fair, or any other cause? You are her boy! It’s the fine art of back scratching.

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