Shopping Product Reviews

How to fix your Xbox – should you try a DIY solution?

Playing Xbox is addictive! Everyone knows this, so why has Microsoft built a console (an amazing console) that insists on playing briefly, before being allowed to rest!

You see, when I get the chance, I play too much Xbox than is healthy; healthy for my xbox 360 that is!
When I’m in a game, I just can’t stop giving my Xbox time to cool down (I know I should). One of my teammates even bought me one of those cup holders that endurance cyclists use, so they can drink while they ride. He made it as a joke, but I actually use it while playing my Xbox!

Though keep in mind that playing so much will eventually cause your Xbox to die.

More than 1/3 of all Xbox 360 consoles will freeze or crash with what is known as Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death or Xbox RROD.

90% of all RROD and e74 errors can be attributed to the design flaw of the Xbox X-clamps that hold the CPU and GPU to the heat sinks. Being made of soft metal, X-clamps bend in the heat and take the motherboard with them. Thus breaking the soldered contacts between the important microprocessors and the motherboard, causing the infamous Xbox Red Rings of Death/RROD.

I had no desire to delve into the insides of my precious Xbox 360. Being awkward and weird, I’m just not an Xbox fixer type of guy.

If it had been a toaster I would give it a try, I prefer cereal anyway!

But not my Xbox!

My colleague Steve, who provides an Xbox repair service as a part-time income, always said “it’s simple and even an asshole like you could do it”. Which one didn’t really cheer me up?

It was the fact that my Xbox RROD (red ring of death) when Steve was out for 2 weeks. So I had to steel myself and see if these Xbox repair guides were really idiot-friendly.

Although I’m not a how to fix Xbox guy, I’m a good researcher, and although it took me more time to track down advice tones on the net than the Xbox fix itself. It was worth it.

The Xbox repair manuals I found were very easy to follow (it’s all videos now).

So my advice would be to look for three things in a how to fix Xbox guide:
1. Money Back Guarantee: These guides are instantly accessible, so if your Xbox isn’t up and running within 2 hours, ask for your money back.
2. Always look for the video guides – just turn on the video and follow step by step, simple.
3. Look at the bonus offers that come with the guides. Sometimes these are worth more than the guide!
4. Don’t try a DIY fix if your Xbox is under warranty, send it back to Microsoft.

You should have seen the sheer delight on my girlfriend’s face when my Xbox 360 turned GREEN again!
Another gaming marathon game about to start!

Although I didn’t feel confident opening my Xbox myself, the Xbox repair guide really made it a walk in the park.

Just looking at the clear HD images and following each step one at a time really was as easy as it sounds.

It took me much longer to choose the guide to buy than the repair itself. But if you buy one of the Xbox products that are offered with a 60-day money-back guarantee, if you don’t like it for any reason, send them an email and we’ll refund your money within 5 minutes.

Tip: Always keep your receipt email for reference if you decide to refund.

So if you want to go back to gaming heaven, you know what to do.

Good luck.

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