Tours Travel

How to arrange flowers in a tall vase (tower)

There are many different types of tall vases, but here we are dealing with “tower” vases. This is a specific type of tall vase that is a long, slender cylinder, usually at least a foot tall, sometimes up to two or even three feet tall, and coming in a variety of styles and different colored vessels. Tower vases are good for places where people meet and talk, for example, at a dinner table or in a hotel reception area. This is because they are tall enough to place the flowers above head height, allowing people to converse without the flowers blocking their line of sight.

The first thing to do is to choose the appropriate vase. As already mentioned, there are many different colors and styles, so try to choose a vase that suits the occasion or location. Think about the style and design of the venue, as well as the people you hope to attend.

Now fill the vase about 2/3 full with clean, fresh water. You can add a pinch of bleach to keep the water from smelling bad and a little fertilizer to keep the flowers nourished.

Next, select the flowers for your arrangement. Because you are using such a tall vase, it is important to use long-stemmed flowers! Roses are a good bet, but you might be lucky enough to find long-stemmed lilies or even orchids. Choose the colors carefully as they should fit not only with the vase you have selected but also with each other, as well as with the placement of the vase and the style of the people! If you can’t find a decent selection of fresh flowers, consider using artificial flowers, especially if the arrangement is permanent (for example, in a hotel lobby).

Now think about what shape you want your arrangement to have. You can choose to have some greenery to frame the flowers or just a simple arrangement with no greenery. Also think about whether you want all the flowers to be at the same height or at different heights; it all depends on whether you want the arrangement to be eye-catching and stunning or just to blend in with the background and add a nice touch. to an already beautiful setting. Of course, it also depends on how many flowers you actually have.

Start arranging by cutting the stems to the proper length, depending on how tall you want the flowers to be. Cut the stems at an angle and remove all thorns, leaves, etc. so they don’t spoil the water. Place the tallest flowers first, followed by the shortest, and don’t be afraid to change the end result if it’s not pleasing or even remove some flowers if it looks too tight.

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