Legal Law

Get the winning edge with litigation assistance

Litigation Support 101 is all about helping attorneys and their legal staff adapt to the modern computer age. If you remember the days of spending hours in the law library researching your case, then you need this program to bring you into the 21st century of legal practice.

The law library is now on your computer screen; You can do all of your legal research on the Internet using paid services that have, in essence, changed the way all lawyers practice law.

But today you need more than an online legal research service to help you compete in the technological world we live in because no matter how good your case is or how good your staff is, the winning side is the side that he knows how to use technology to his advantage.

Automated litigation assistance is an umbrella term used to describe everything from the simplest word processing programs to the most complex trial presentation software used in highly complex jury trials.

The automated system can be used to match your deposition testimony with on-screen presentations to make a cohesive verbal and visual presentation to capture and hold the attention of any jury.

Part of the challenge in complex jury trials is explaining complicated facts and concepts so that the jury can understand the facts and issues in the case. When you can do this, you have a better chance of winning. The automated system is a must for the career litigation team that wants a winning edge.

But this program does more than prepare presentations for jury trials. Helps keep your cases organized. If you’ve ever wasted hours searching for files, phone numbers, client notes, or records, you know how frustrating it is and how increasingly committed you are to creating a better organization system.

With this program you will have all the files at your fingertips directly on your computer screen. You will be able to obtain records of telephone conversations, client documents, court filing dates and all the information related to your cases.

The program was made for the attorney and legal staff without a computer science degree. It’s easy to use; information is easy to enter and extract, which makes it different from other programs that make it difficult to find information.

Many software programs promoted to lawyers were created by computer-minded people who, through no fault of their own, created a system that lawyers had to adapt their thinking to in order to use it effectively.

This program was created with the legal field in mind, as it works the same way a lawyer would organize their case.

If you have been in litigation for years or if you are just starting your legal career, this program will work for you and if you are a paralegal or paralegal, your value to your employer will increase once you master this support system.

Litigation Support is a product that is tailored for the attorney and legal staff who need all the support they can get.

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