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Fertility foods for men

Male infertility is estimated to affect up to ten percent of men. However, many of these men can be successful in treating male infertility with proper nutrition and other simple practices.

Why nutrition is important for male fertility

Healthy nutrition helps a man produce healthy sperm, making it easier for his partner to conceive. His diet should provide sufficient amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, and calcium, which are important for sperm production.

For healthy nutrition for fertility, a man should eat six to eleven servings of bread, cereal, and pasta, three to five servings of vegetables, two to four servings of fruit, two to three servings of meat and protein, and two to three servings of dairy products. newspaper.

Fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants, which help keep sperm healthy and more mobile. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables in different colors will ensure you get a healthy range of antioxidants.

Caffeine makes sperm sluggish, so limiting coffee, tea, and soft drinks can help increase sperm motility.

To help prevent birth defects, expectant parents should get 400 micrograms of folate or folic acid daily. Good sources of folic acid are fortified breads and cereals, chickpeas, lentils, fruits, beans, and green leafy vegetables.

Too little or too much selenium can harm sperm levels, so men should aim for about 55 mcg of the nutrient daily.

Some studies show that soy can interfere with male hormones and increase estrogen activity, so men trying to become fathers may want to reduce their intake of soy-based foods.

A zinc deficiency can affect testosterone and lower sperm count, so men who don’t eat meat, which is high in zinc, should get the nutrient from foods like nuts, yogurt and beans.

Should men use fertility supplements?

Men who believe they may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals from eating nutritious foods may benefit from taking high-quality fertility-enhancing supplements. These fertility supplements may include L-carnitine, L-arginine, grape seed extract, vitamins C, E, and A, selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q, and beta-carotene.

Best Fertility Foods for Men’s Health

Garlic has a lot of selenium and vitamin B6. Selenium is an antioxidant that increases sexual virility and vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system and regulates hormones.

Cashews are a good source of zinc, which can increase testosterone levels.

Bananas contain magnesium, protein, and vitamins B1, A, and C, which improve and stimulate sperm production.

The high content of vitamin E in avocados increases sperm motility, and the folic acid and vitamin B6 in the fruit help regulate the function of sex hormones.

Asparagus has a rich supply of vitamin C, which helps increase sperm motility and viability.

Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid that increases sperm count and motility and helps keep sperm healthy. Pink grapefruit, watermelon, and other tomato products like ketchup and tomato juice are also good sources of lycopene.

Apples are a nutritionally well-balanced fruit, and in vinaigrette form such as fruit cider vinegar, particularly effective.

Pumpkin seeds contain a good supply of zinc, the most important mineral for increasing testosterone levels and sperm count. The omega-3 fatty acids in pumpkin seeds improve sexual function by stimulating blood flow to the sexual organs.

Oysters are another good source of zinc and can help repair sperm damaged by chemicals in the environment.

Pomegranate juice can help with erectile dysfunction, sperm concentration, motility, and cell density, as well as reducing abnormal sperm.

Effect of Fertility Nutrition on Male Sperm Health

Diet has no effect on a man’s sperm count, but a healthy diet can be a valuable aid in producing healthy sperm. Free radicals can cause sperm DNA damage and poor motility. Also, if conception does occur, a child may inherit genetic problems from damaged DNA. Men should follow a healthy and balanced diet and limit alcohol consumption to less than ten glasses a week. High doses of alcohol at any one time can be toxic, so drink in moderation. Cigarettes also contain toxins, so men who want healthy sperm should also try to quit.

Acupuncture Treatment and Male Fertility

Acupuncture can help improve sperm quality, motility, and morphology, increase the number of normal sperm, and decrease structural abnormalities. It may also support male fertility by increasing libido and reducing stress and anxiety associated with trying to conceive. Timing acupuncture treatments to correspond to the couple’s cycle can make them even more effective. Acupuncture may provide synergistic health benefits by increasing blood flow and relieving stress.

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