
Do you want to know how to stop your dachshund from constantly licking?

Understand one thing: lick dachshunds. They lick because that’s totally natural for dogs, and dachshunds are dogs (no matter what some doxie owners say). The problem is that some dachshunds lick constantly.

They lick themselves. They lick their owners. They lick the clothes of their owners and others. They lick the bedding. They lick the furniture. You know what I’m talking about.

Many dachshund owners don’t mind, even encouraging their dogs to lick them affectionately. But others want to “lick” the problem.

So what if you want to know how to stop your dachshund from constantly licking?

First, make sure your dog doesn’t have a medical problem. It could be that your dachshund has developed some sort of skin condition, causing the pet to lick its fur and skin incessantly. Have your vet check out the dog. When you are satisfied that the problem is not medical, you can continue with your behavioral assessment and training.

There are two main reasons for your dachshund’s licking problem.

  1. The main reason for licking is affection or love for you.
  2. The second most common reason is stress or anxiety.

Address Reason #1: Excessive Licking for Affection:

If the licking is excessive, it’s time for you to take action. If you allow the dog to continue licking, it can get even worse.

The best way to train your dachshund to stop is with a combination of verbal and body language.

  • First, put on a stern look (not your normal look of love for everything around you).
  • Give him a short command: “No!”, or “No licking!”
  • At the same time get away from the dog. This shows your pleasure.

Most of the time, the dachshund will come back to you and start licking you. When this happens, do the same, turning around and giving your stern command. This can happen multiple times. The best tool you have is patience. Be patient with your pet and be firm. Oh, and be consistent. Don’t let him lick you for a while, then change your behavior. That will only confuse the dog.

Address Reason #2: Stress or Anxiety:

Some dachshunds become stressed or anxious due to their environment or a change in their environment. Dogs need to feel comfortable and content or they will “misbehave” in various ways. One of those ways is obsessive-compulsive licking.

Try to find out what may be causing your dachshund problem. It could be inattentiveness, lack of exercise, too much time alone, change of ownership, a recent move to a new house.

Then you must take steps to correct the condition. Try to make your animal more content. Make sure the dog gets plenty of exercise. Dachshunds are very active dogs. They probably need more than half an hour of exercise each day.

They love to be outside. They like to sniff around and find out what other animals have been in their territory.

If the problem is inattention, do something to correct it. It could be spending more time with your pet. Try to teach him some tricks or just play with him.

Once you have corrected the problem and your dog is happier, you can tackle the licking problem. Start the training method mentioned above, using one-word commands and body language to let your dachshund know that something different is going on. Once again, be patient and be consistent.

Your love for your dachshund is your greatest asset. Don’t be afraid to be tough: sometimes tough love is necessary. Don’t worry; your dog won’t hate you for it. A dog is man’s (or woman’s) best friend.

So now you know how to stop your dachshund from constantly licking.

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