Legal Law

Do you need a good slap?

Let me tell you what frustrates me. The frustration stems from my own limitation in helping people in a certain position, I just don’t know how to get these types of people past the point where they are stuck. This is not to say that I don’t know how to fix the problem, because I have a pretty good idea, but it is how to get people to take this bitter medicine that clogs me up.

The condition is apathy. People who just don’t have a great motivation to do anything, nothing in life is interesting, nothing is exciting, life seems to have no meaning and they can’t get up and have energy to do anything.

The problem is comfort. These people tend to have enough or too much money, they don’t have to work for it, the government supports them, or they look for ways to live so they can survive on whatever misery they have. There is no threat to their survival.

Let me be clear here, we are talking about people who have this comfort and have grown up with it, and not people who are in the worst of third world conditions. They are a different case and I would treat their condition differently. The basic differences are clear; education and the ability to get out of your own small town are just the beginning.

Because there is no danger of not having a home, food or clothing, the natural survival instinct falls asleep and, with it, a particular energy dies. This is the energy that gets you up in the morning. If you lived out in the woods and knew that lions wake up and hunt just before dawn, and eat any sleeping creatures, you would naturally wake up long before dawn.

In modern terms, in countries that do not have strict labor laws that prevent a person from being fired at any time without reason like in China, people do not call in sick or avoid going to work because they are in a bad mood or not. perfect sentiment. They go to work on time or early no matter what, because if they don’t, they won’t have a job later that day.

All the so-called laws and regulations that are meant to protect employees and citizens have, in fact, worked to the detriment of the people by softening everyone up. You are able to give in to growing weaknesses of character because you can get away with it without trying.

Political correctness is the worst thing that has happened to people. It allows anyone to control the world by simply being insulted and throwing a tantrum because someone called them the wrong name. This is ridiculous! What kind of person can’t let words be words and go ahead and get the job done? I wonder if the children’s saying when I was a child has been made illegal! “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me.”

I grew up with this simple saying that kids yell at each other when other kids call them names. And now with PC culture it seems humans are being taught the exact opposite, words can kill me, so if you say the wrong thing I’ll start a war and shoot you, or just sue you.

Your world has grown terribly soft, and it’s not hard to see the disastrous future ahead, for it’s clearly a fast-growing cancer that eats away at the soul of every human being, both from the weakness of being too delicate and from fear. to speak. the truth of what you think. Soon we will see jail time for farting!

Humans are naturally lazy, it’s a clever body design, they conserve energy. Of course, in PC culture, if you call someone lazy you can get yourself in big trouble, however, if you tell the same person that they are saving energy, you get a round of applause. Either way, someone is sitting on their butt and not getting the most out of life.

If you don’t have great motivation to put in the work, and you find things difficult or unpleasant and difficult to do, and nothing is exciting or interesting in your life, then you just have too much comfort and you have a big warm security blanket. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility for your life and your future if you want to be more than a piece of meat eating the food and then worrying about how the planet can provide enough food for the growing population.

The cure is one that I can’t tell anyone to do, because if it goes wrong, you blame me instead of taking responsibility for your own actions. But if, for example, I were to talk to myself, I would see the difference between people like me who have succeeded in life and other people who complain that nothing is exciting. He would see that he had no clothes or shoes to wear when he was young. I had to find the money and buy my own shoes when I was 13, and I’ve taken care of myself ever since. I have worked any job I could get to earn money to survive because there was no other way to eat.

I would never sit and wait for something to happen, I would go and make it happen. If I wanted to learn or change something in myself, I would go and ask for help, I would do my best to get what I needed and I never said that I was too tired or sick or wanted to play instead of doing the dirty work. even late at night. I would follow instructions and guidance without thinking I was smarter and would do my best before letting any ego weakness cause me to hide away in a warm sheltered shell.

Let’s look at this problem in the rise and fall of countries. There was a time when ‘made in the USA’ meant a very well made product and items made in Japan were rubbish. The Americans got very rich and then they realized they didn’t have to work as hard, they could pay cheap Japanese to do the work for them. Eventually the Japanese, a very smart culture that improves everything they found, then finally Taiwan and the rest of Asia and now China, took manufacturing away from the US and grew while we can see the empire clearly decline US.

This is what happens when you have too many comforts and not enough reasons to work to survive. You get fat and die while others grow stronger and finally control you. I suggest you take some time to travel or look at African and Indian countries or other Asian countries to see what life could be like. Get some of that need to survive attitude and ‘do or die’ concept into your life. If you have the strength to do this, you will begin to value every breath you take, every moment of your life, and you will make good use of your time here instead of sitting back and waiting for it all to be done for you.

Energy is life. There are different types of energy. Motivation requires a particular energy. That energy comes when there is a reason to work for survival. If you don’t have to make an effort to survive, then the factory doesn’t produce energy, it’s a matter of supply and demand.

If there is a risk that having an enormous amount of success and wealth will mean the factory stops producing power to the point that the machine dies, then survival instinct will prevent that level of success. If there is a point where there will be enough money to survive, then the power factory will only produce enough power to maintain that level and your life will just float by until a dull and uneventful existence ends.

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