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Depression, anger and heart disease

Traditional indicators of heart disease such as smoking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure have been found to account for around 50% of heart attacks. In trying to explain the rest, attention has shifted to psychosocial factors: personality and behavior that give rise to stress hormones. Chronic stress, type A personality, anger, depression and social isolation not only have a direct negative effect on the cardiovascular system, but also increase the effects of other cardiac factors. This article looks at two of these factors: depression and anger.

Anger People who have a high level of anger, irritability, cynicism, and aggression have a higher risk of developing heart disease. A heart attack is almost three times more likely in people with high levels of anger than in those who do not experience a lot of anger. Feeling angry from time to time is normal. Some people express their anger easily while others smoke about a situation. When anger is experienced in relation to a specific event and the amount of anger felt is appropriate for the event, it is generally not a health risk. However, if anger surfaces too easily and lasts too long and is suppressed and not expressed, then it can become a cardiovascular risk factor.

The following test adapted from Pistcatella and Frankin (2003) will help you assess your level of anger.

Please read each of the statements below and rate yourself how you would respond to each situation using the following scale.

1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = often, 4 = always

1. It doesn’t take much to make me angry.

2. People tell me to calm down.

3. I blow up with terrible drivers.

4. If I’m upset, I hit the dog, the cat, or something else.

5. People call me impetuous.

6. I am angry at the way I am treated in restaurants or stores.

7. When other people’s mistakes slow me down, I can be angry all day.

8. If the situation is bad enough, I throw things away.

9. I swear out loud to vent.

10. I feel like hitting someone who makes me very angry.

11. I have been told that I have a bad temper.

12. If you embarrass me in front of someone, I will be furious.

13. I am a very ambitious person, so sometimes I get impatient and angry with other people.

14. I have been known to break things when frustrated.

If you scored less than 18, you can remain calm in situations that would frustrate others. This is a great help in managing your stress levels.

If you scored from 19 to 27, you get angry as often as most people.

If you scored between 28 and 35, chances are you’re either too stressed or getting angry has become a habit. Take this score seriously and start making changes now before it negatively affects your health.

If you scored above 35 and continue with the same behavior and approach to life, you are at risk for serious stress-related health problems.

Depression The association between depression and heart disease and heart attacks has been established for some time. Depression is reported to precede a heart attack in up to 50% of cases. In addition to the link between depression and heart disease, depression also contributes to a poor lifestyle. Depressed people are more likely to eat poorly, be sedentary, smoke, and drink too much alcohol.

How do you know if depression is a problem for you? The following test, adapted from one developed by Harvard University, is designed to help assess people who are likely to suffer from depression.

Read the following statements and answer yes or no to them.

1. I feel sad most of the time.

2. I don’t enjoy the things I used to do.

3. I sleep too little or too much.

4. I don’t feel like eating or I eat too much.

5. I can’t make decisions.

6. I have difficulty concentrating.

7. I feel hopeless.

8. I feel worthless.

9. I get tired for no reason.

10. I think about committing suicide.

If you answered yes to four or more of these questions and have felt this way every day for two weeks or more, you may be suffering from depression and should see a health professional for further evaluation.

If you answered yes to question 10, seek professional health care immediately, regardless of your answer to any of the other questions.

Depression and anger are two of the factors that can lead to the development of heart disease, with associated heart attacks, angina, cardiac arrests and heart rhythm disturbances. They also reduce the quality of your life. There are many things that you can do about these problems. If you suffer from mild or moderate depression, you will benefit from joining the Depression Program.


Aesoph, L. 2001, 6 Steps to Managing Stress, Health World Online. June 2001.

Hippisley-Cox, J. et al.1998, Depression as a risk factor for ischemic heart disease in men. British medical journal. June 1998.

Pistcatella, JC and Frankin, BA 2003, Take a load off your heart. Worker.

Oberman, A. 2000, Emerging Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Clinical Reviews. Spring 2000.

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