
Criminal Acts and Fate Questions and Answers

“Isn’t deliberation always involved in behavior? Wouldn’t you say that an individual who deliberates is free to commit a crime or not, which would indicate that most crimes, even fraud or murder, are not intended? “

We would like to believe that the unpleasant things in life can be avoided, that bad behavior can be prevented, but our long-term findings tell us otherwise. Unique personal adversity, including the myriad of unavoidable life events and circumstances, seems to be part of the default human experience.

impulse control

Self-control allows you to manage emotions and personal behavior towards the achievement of goals related to all areas of life.

Impulse control disorder is classified as a psychiatric disorder that involves a lack of control of one’s actions. Examples include regularly dropping inappropriate comments in a social setting, the inability to stop eating or drinking, white-collar crime involving a compulsion to habitually trade inside information, frequent physical theft, or committing uncontrolled acts of violence.

A psychopath (zero remorse) with a lack of impulse control or even someone with sociopathic tendencies (may have remorse, but does it anyway) makes things much worse. Many murderers don’t deliberate, or don’t even have time to deliberate if their life is in danger. It’s kill or be killed.

Lack of impulse control can be inherited

According to a research paper titled “Genetics of Impulsive Behavior,” there is no single gene that can be identified as an “impulsivity gene,” but lack of impulse control can be inherited: “As described, impulsivity it is an inherited disease-associated trait, useful as an endophenotype for gene discovery.However, impulsivity is not a unitary construct and, as discussed, multiple behavioral laboratory tasks and self-report measures are used to assess different aspects of impulsivity On the other hand, it is also true that there is no gene that identifies as an ‘impulsivity gene’…”

Impulse control and dishonesty

A Wall Street trader convicted of insider trading and fraud spends two years seeing a psychotherapist regularly, but still can’t figure out what motivated him to lie and cheat. It could be said that an intensely competitive and cutthroat system in which he worked encouraged him to act illegally. But if he were to take full responsibility for his actions, he would admit that he may have an innate tendency to act dishonestly, considering his behavior from a young age, as well as the long and corrupt career of him as a Wall Street “banker”.

What about parents who teach their children to take responsibility for their actions? Does that prevent bad behavior? Our findings tell us that even if the subject had loving parents who taught him well, if his astrology and numerology patterns include strong negatives, the parental influence will not stop him; he still has a chance of being a rotten egg.

We do not claim that all criminals are born this way because the environment also plays a role. However, recognizing patterns in numerology and natal astrology charts that strongly represent duplicity, along with handwriting that includes the same (noting your personality at the time of writing), as well as lack of impulse control , suggest inherent problems.

predestined imprisonment

Based on pattern recognition involving comprehensive astrology and numerology, criminal activity and incarceration seem destined at least some of the time. From a spiritual standpoint (considering reincarnation), we have noted personal natal patterns that suggest that select individuals have had past incarnations that include long periods of imprisonment, as a prisoner of war or jailed criminal. It’s reasonable to think that imprisonment leaves an indelible mark on the subconscious that can carry over into future lives: avoid impulsive and reckless actions or you’ll be locked in a cage. It is possible that an individual’s higher self wanted prison time to work on impulse control or other personality traits; spiritual growth tends to flourish through loneliness and hardship.

Astrology and Numerology Patterns and Family Dynamics

Our findings show that whenever significant life-changing events (rewarding or challenging) occur in someone’s life, they are reflected in their astrology and numerology patterns, as well as those of their loved ones, supporting the idea of predetermination. Something had to happen for that person and their loved ones to endure or enjoy the subsequent life circumstances.

For example, the white-collar criminal’s family enjoyed two decades of good life, but then it all fell apart. Both the good life and the subsequent misery are reflected in the natal and temporal patterns of the four individuals (husband, wife, and two daughters). Even before the sequels, impoverished existence could have been predicted because all four family members have patterns on the charts that symbolize dramatic change and lack support for lasting wealth. The extremes are easy to identify, as in the previous case, but sometimes the patterns are not so explicit.

Much more in life seems fated than most people realize, but keep in mind that you have free will to try to mitigate life’s challenges as well as optimize life’s rewards.

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