Digital Marketing

Creative vs directional advertising, which comes first and why?

Both creative and directional advertising are important to the success of any business or organization’s marketing and sales effort. Generally, with creativity (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Billboard) you are “creating” the need by selling yourself. You need to have a strong, compelling, time-sensitive offer, and persuade customers to buy now rather than buy later or not buy at all. With directional (search engine marketing, Internet yellow pages, print and online directories, pay per click, pay per action, direct response) you are “directing” an existing need by helping customers buy. You need to be found and then chosen.

I firmly believe that the first step to any successful marketing platform is a strong directional advertising foundation. Before you have to worry about persuading or enticing a prospect to buy, you absolutely need to be able to enable prospects who are ready to buy right now…to buy from you now. You need to be found and then chosen. They find you where you are, they choose you for what you say. The great part is that the very information you use to describe yourself—your uniqueness, what you do, how you do it, and even why you do it—will automatically direct you to prospects who value and appreciate your approach, who “get that” answer. . You’ll probably also rule out those who don’t think like you, but that’s okay. You don’t need everyone. Prospects who respond because they appreciate what you do and how you do it will spend more money, more often, and be more enjoyable to work with over their lifetime as a customer. They will also become more than just reference points, they will be advocates for you and your business.

Once you have that solid foundation for targeting ready-to-buy customers, THEN any creative advertising will be more efficient because prospects you can’t incentivize to act now will hopefully at least now have your name on their brains. . When they have a need, your directional advertising can help convert them into customers.

Creative works and can work BIG especially with a good directional foundation

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