
Press boxes – easily built with green construction

You’ve probably seen them at sporting events and outdoors; Press boxes serve several very valuable purposes. They typically sit at the top of the bleachers ranging from high school sports fields to large stadiums. These boxes come in many shapes and sizes, but their main purpose is to provide a comfortable place, away from the elements, for those who comment,…

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Heart-healthy spicy salmon cakes

This is an especially heart-healthy recipe because it contains omega-3 fatty acids in two forms: the fish oil from salmon and the plant-based omega-3 found in walnuts. In a recent clinical trial comparing the two types of omega-3s, researchers found that plant-derived omega-3s offer different benefits for heart health than marine-derived omega-3s, so for heart health optimal, it should include…

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Use your health savings account to buy glasses online

This morning at work we had a presentation on health care plan options. With rate increases, our company forces us to change plans or pay the deductible for existing plans out of pocket. One of the options we are considering is a high deductible plan in combination with an HSA (Health Savings Account). If you haven’t heard of a health…

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An SMS of love and good night

Love is one of the strongest emotions we have. Love varies in different attitudes, states, and even feelings. Love can be interpersonal affection or pleasure. Love can refer to strong emotions of attraction, as well as personal attachment. It can also be a great virtue that represents human affection, compassion, and kindness. Love can also be used to describe affectionate…

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Trump Network – Trump MLM – Is it real?

Networking has become quite a stir everywhere these days. Trump Network is no exception. There seem to be a lot of people looking for a great networking opportunity that can bring them a better future. Sometimes it even seems like the whole internet is a great pre-release. But the question is which one is the best for them to join?…

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Why do you really need tablet cases?

A tablet qualifies as a mobile device, but surveys show that the majority of use cases are on premises. People prefer to use their tablets only at home or at work, not while in transit. Establishments such as museums, libraries, retail stores, organizations, health services, and restaurants are proving to be the largest users of tablets for a variety of…

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