
Flowers, Cakes and Combos Available Online

Is someone special’s birthday coming up? Or do you want to greet your boss with the bouquet on his anniversary? Or do you want to celebrate the birthday or promotion of his colleagues or friends? The list of occasions is endless, but you only have 24 hours to look at your daily schedule and make time to celebrate such an…

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The inside story of the German cockroach

The problem – When you discover that you have cockroaches in your home, you not only have an insect problem, but also a possible health problem. These insects carry numerous parasites and other organisms that are left behind when they defecate. Once they take up residence in a home and come out at night to nibble on leftover crumbs, they…

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Adult Music Lessons – Just Do It!

If you have ever considered music lessons for adults, perhaps some of the following thoughts have come to mind: “My parents forced me to take piano lessons as a child and I hated it and never practiced. Now I really regret it.” “. “I would love to have a grand piano in my house, but I don’t know how to…

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Motocross Racing for Kids: What You Need to Know

Did you like motor sports when you were a child? If he did, chances are he wants his children to have the same joy he did when he was young. Buying your child a go-kart or dirt bike before he starts kindergarten is more common than you think. Champions like Ricky Carmichael and Travis Pastrana have raised the bar for…

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Grandma’s love in her chocolate cake

I remember sitting on the front steps of our old farmhouse as a child and smelling the sweet aroma of my grandmother baking in our old kitchen with its hardwood floors. My stomach would rumble in the most vicious way and ask if it was done yet. My grandmother would smile and give me one of hers. chocolate cake recipe…

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Some Gathered Knowledge of Writing and Publishing

I have been asked about writing for many years. How do I start writing? What should I write about? Should I write in the morning? What method or style of writing will increase my chances of success? Should I get an agent? How is a publisher chosen? In a four-decade career in higher education, consulting, and now missions, I’ve asked…

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Great gifts for dog lovers.

It takes a special person to love an animal. Pets need love and care just like people. Dogs have been touted as “man’s best friend.” Those who love them want others to know. Here are some gift ideas for the dog lover in his circle. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. They fit the personality of the person who…

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Indian Luxury Train Tour – A 7 Day Joie de Vie

The art of elegant travel in India experienced a renaissance with the arrival of Palace on Wheels on the scene. However, the concept of luxury tourist train in the west was conceived years ago in 1864, the creation of James Watt managed to capture the attention of the ancient Indian monarchs. Known for their pomp and idiosyncrasy, the ancient Indian…

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