Legal Law

American Immigration Made Simple by Attorney Ilona Bray

I helped my wife, at the time my fiancé, to immigrate to the United States while I was attending law school. He was not yet a lawyer, nor had he taken classes in international law or immigration. Unfortunately, the finances were such that I needed to do the work myself, rather than hiring an experienced immigration attorney to help me.…

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Legal Law

The most common grammar mistake made by highly intelligent people

The most common grammar mistake made by highly educated people Even highly educated and high-profile personalities make this grammatical mistake frequently, especially in oral communications. In fact, very few people get it right. What is this common mistake? See if you can find it in the following four appointments: “… there is a possibility that we will change the way…

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Legal Law

US Federal Compliance Easier: Know Your Agency

Saving time, money, intangible corporate resources, and even the ‘Machiavellian Litigation Tangle’ can be maximized if the Corporate Counsel takes the time to make the investment and establish relationships with US regulatory agencies. US agencies are not as far removed and unaware of the day-to-day regulatory problems that many corporations are experiencing as you might think. Current regulatory environment –…

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Legal Law

Technology in the legal sector

It’s safe to say that we are firmly in 2018 now, and the first month of this year has been filled with new technology that is bound to change the way we live our day-to-day lives. Not only has the way we live our lives changed, it has changed many different sectors of business. As technology advances at this rate,…

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Legal Law

Moths to bugs, bugs to viruses, what’s next? Antivirus and computer virus protection

A historical timeline of computer viruses [1945AmothcaughtbetweenrelaysonavaleracomputerwasfoundtobethecauseofcommanderproblemsElcomandantenavalastamptheterms”error”torefertoproblemswithelectricaldevicesand”debugging”todescribeeffortstosolvecomputerproblems[1945SedescubrióqueunapolillaatrapadaentrerelésenunacomputadoranavaleralacausadelosproblemasdelacomputadoraElcomandantenavalacuñólostérminos”error”parareferirseaproblemasconlosdispositivoseléctricosy”depuración”paradescribirlosesfuerzosparasolucionarproblemasdelacomputadora 1949 A Hungarian scientist developed the theory of self-replicating programs. 1950-1970 A variety of electrical and computer complications lead to the development of current viruses, including the illegal tapping of telephone “blue oxen” to intercept calls and telephone numbers. Also during this time, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed a computer “worm”…

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Legal Law

The Lama, the Snow Leopard and the Thunder Dragon – By John Shulman

Children’s books are generally about haunted corners, furry ghosts, gray-haired pasts, or the kind of Harry Potter fantasies that seek to lead children away from reality, whether on red carpets or flying horses, or on other animals that they certainly don’t exist. in the animal kingdom. I recognize that children’s books may be very entertaining, but they do not enlighten…

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Legal Law

Xbox 360 Three red lights on? Solve it now!

The Xbox 360 recently faced a problem called “Three Red Lights Error”. The three red lights error is also called the “Red Ring of Death” or RRoD. The RRoD name came due to the occurrence of console death when the error occurs. Due to some malfunction, the entire console may crash and result in the death of the console. ABOUT…

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