Digital Marketing

Social media marketing for SMEs

In current times, when all industries are pushing more towards digitizing their operations and services, Social Media Marketing becomes a dominant aspect. No brand or organization can hope to move forward without implementing an efficient Modus Operandi for Social Marketing. People of all age groups and different social strata are glued to phone screens like never before. Instagram and Facebook…

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Digital Marketing

Stalker! I also feel spied on

In recent days, Mexican society has once again criticized the federal government for having fallen into an illegal and democratically reprehensible act: spying on human rights activists and journalists. The president of Mexico; Enrique Peña Nieto has given an apparently candid response: I also feel spied on! It is not the first time that our rulers justify themselves under the…

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Digital Marketing

Is check fraud hurting your bottom line?

In today’s world, businesses face a number of challenges, but few are as daunting as combating check fraud. Technology has made it easier than ever for criminals to produce or alter a check so only a trained eye can spot it. This crime is no longer the exclusive domain of large check fraud rings. The home PC and desktop publishing…

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Digital Marketing

Video marketing: look to the future

It’s 2017 and the world has gone digital. Video marketing has slowly but surely become the go-to medium for promoting a brand. Social media platforms are dominating the market when it comes to video sharing. Consumers are increasingly interested in learning about a product before buying it or learning about a service. A well-crafted video goes a long way in…

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Digital Marketing

Advertising Marketing Blog: Opinions On Online Advertising vs Conventional Marketing

There is a constant clash between online and conventional advertising, which is more effective? Entrepreneurs are caught in the dilemma of which channel to use to advertise their product and how to get their message across to their consumers. Although the time-tested traditional marketing is still the choice of most, online marketing and advertising marketing blogs are gaining ground. Many…

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Digital Marketing

Push and Pull: Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Reaching potential customers by providing relevant marketing content is one of the most effective branding and advertising strategies and one that enhances the experience of doing business with you. Developing good marketing content is the foundation of an Inbound Marketing strategy. The content you deliver demonstrates both your expertise and understanding of the basic goals and challenges facing your prospects…

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