Arts Entertainments

Buffalo Bills on a roller coaster

The Buffalo Bills are bringing their fans on an incredible roller coaster ride. And it’s up to fans to decide if they’re watching the best show in the world or if they’re up to the cheap thrills their favorite team brings them. The Bills have not had a satisfactory performance this season. They have lost game after game and losing…

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Arts Entertainments

Classic wrestling matches in history

Classic wrestling soared to greater heights with a World Wrestling Federation or WWF event that took place on November 7, 1985 in Rosemont, Illinois. The first pay-per-view event of its kind was comprised of sixteen participants, including wrestling greats Ric Flair, Iceman, Junkyard Dog, Hulk Hogan and more. It ended with a memorable Junkyard Dog victory over Macho Man Savage.…

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Arts Entertainments

Background noise of mortality and singularity

The background noise of our personal and inevitable doom. It is like the background of our lives, always pulling on our subconscious, reminding us that we cannot escape from it. We cannot live forever. Unless, of course, you hope Ray Kurzweil is correct and sometime in the next 40 to 50 years, surviving humans will inevitably be able to live,…

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Arts Entertainments

Native bears of North America

There are several species of bears native to North America. These include ursus arctos (brown bear), ursus americanus (black bear), and ursus maritimus (polar bear). These three species belong to the genus known as ursus. There are many subspecies within these three species. For example, the species ursus arctos contains the subspecies ursus horribilis, commonly known as the grizzly bear.…

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Arts Entertainments

Do men ever regret leaving their wives?

I often hear of wives who hope that one day their husband will regret leaving them. Often times, these same wives will tell their husbands that leaving is a mistake that he will one day regret. And often the husband doesn’t believe this for a second, or has doubts that he might have overruled his need to go and see…

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