Arts Entertainments

Stuck telescopic fishing rod?

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a telescopic fishing rod is it getting stuck in a joint. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but is usually due to corrosion or dirt, mud, or sand in the joint. Better safe than sorry: Try to keep the cane off the ground at all times to prevent…

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Arts Entertainments

Virginity – A Unique Virtue

The question of whether there are virgins in our time is simply indefinite. Certainty is low because of the rate at which free love increases. Many people were ignorant and as a result lost their virginity. Others, though faced squarely with its dangers, saw no need to remain virgins until marriage. The battle is always against some Christians; for them…

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Arts Entertainments

Taking care of your spirit and your soul

Proverbs 22:3,5: The prudent foresees evil and hides, but the simple pass by and are punished… Thorns and snares are in the path of the wicked; he who guards his soul will be far from them. This is an interesting statement made by the author of Proverbs. The prudent or discreet man foresees evil and hides. The man who guards…

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Arts Entertainments

Awaken the star that you have inside

Years ago I read a great book called “How to Be a Star at Work” by Robert E. Kelley. This book became and continues to be one of the “100 Best Business Books of All Time” and the “#1 Career Book” ranked by The New York Daily News. The author argues that “stars are made, not born.” This is excellent…

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Arts Entertainments

How to detoxify the body

We expose our bodies to an enormous amount of toxins on a daily basis through the food we eat, the water we drink, and the polluted environment. While some of the toxins are removed, many of these toxins accumulate in the body. Many chemicals, such as asbestos, vinyl chloride, and lead, are known to cause disease. Many diseases, such as…

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Arts Entertainments

The Story of the Weird – Resolution #9

Let me do it right out there. I do not believe in ‘resolutions’. New Year? Old year? Battlefield? Deathbed? Congressional? It doesn’t matter. Resolutions are for suckers. Why the attitude? really simple. I believe that personal change is not only possible, but is perhaps one of the most powerful and meaningful pursuits a human being can undertake. But real personal…

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Arts Entertainments

Toys in the early 20th century

The early years of the 20th century were very different from today. Toys, although they have evolved in many ways, are still the delight of children all over the world. Explore the history of toys, as recorded on the History website. Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency ushers in the “teddy bear.” In the year 1902, toy bears were named “Teddy” after the…

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Arts Entertainments

Land with the Best Red Wine

After a delicious dinner or perhaps a sophisticated brunch, wine is one of the most delicious tasting options that can be enjoyed as a complementary relaxant. The talks that are often done with wine are intimate or full of style. Because of this, many people, actually people who don’t enjoy the flavors of wines, help make wine their best selection.…

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