
Can a DIY magnetic generator power a house?

What’s the story about the new wave of magnetic generators and their claim to be an option for turning your home green? Proponents of magnet generators suggest that generators create power from the resistance that occurs when the positive and negative poles of the magnets cause the magnets to rotate. Rotating magnets around a semiconductor produces energy. This technology is based on the myth of the “perpetual motion generator”. The only problem with this technology is that it does not work or produce energy.

New proponents of this technology add a motor to help spin the magnets, but claim that the magnet generator produces power because the device produces more power than is needed to spin the magnets. Furthermore, they claim that a magnet generator can be built with parts that cost less than $100. Now just consider whether this technology actually worked as stated and whether for less than a $100 investment you could say goodbye to your power company and generate all the energy needed to power, cool and heat your home now and in the future, this would truly be a miracle. Unfortunately, these devices just don’t work. In truth, more energy is required to spin magnets than is produced by magnet generators. This is nothing more than a scam.

However, there are valid options for turning your home into green energy. Many Americans today turn to solar or wind power to power their homes. The availability and lower cost of alternative energy parts and information make it very possible to complete a home energy conversion with solar or wind power. For example, individual 3 x 6-inch multi-crystalline silicon solar panels (the main component of home solar panels) were priced around $2.00 each, but can now be easily purchased in quantity for less than $ 0.70 each and these prices trend even lower. There are also very comprehensive and detailed step-by-step guides for homeowners who want to complete an alternative energy conversion.

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