
Beyond Childhood – Childhood Years Scrapbook

I love babies. Anyone who knows me for 5 minutes can see that. PURPOSE I love scrapbooking little kids. They’re so busy, they’re so curious, and they come up with some of the best one-liners you could ever imagine. However, much of scrapbooking focuses on events (a new baby, weddings, parties) that are sometimes overlooked in the everyday happenings of your growing boy or girl. Not only that, there’s never a shortage of new baby photos! Sometimes with young children we are so busy fixing ourselves and keeping life moving that we forget to stop and photograph their daily lives. Young children grow and change gradually, and their milestones are different. Take note of some of the ideas here and do your best to photograph a few moments and take some notes on what was going on. A Word or notepad document stored in a folder with your photos is a great and easy way to make sure you have everything stored, digitally, in one place.

Here is a list of some great scrapbooking ideas for toddlers:

You Don’t Say: Keep a list of your toddler’s favorite sayings or language combinations. My son always says ‘anyone’ when he means ‘too’. So I say ‘spaghetti is my favorite’ and he says ‘me neither’. These can be thrown away with just a few favorite photos you have. You can use the phrase as a title or write a short story to give some context to the saying.

My Favorite Things: Open the lid of the toy box or take a picture of your child’s favorite toys lined up on the bed. Or if you live in my house, a photo of the living room floor will have all the best toys for you!

Works of art: Young children produce so many paintings and drawings that we tend to get a little tired of them. Be sure to dress them up in old clothes one day and let them paint you a masterpiece. If you are a paper scraper give them a piece of acid free cardstock, it makes a wonderful and unique background paper. Take photos while they’re in the middle of creating, and then use a photo of the finished piece on your page along with photos of them in action.

Dancing and Singing – If your toddler likes to dance and sing to a favorite DVD or CD, take a few photos of him dancing around the room.

Favorite games: Just the everyday photos of them paying with their favorite toys, such as trains, cars, or kitchens, are wonderful records of their daily lives.

Life Lessons: Many young children these days now have busy lives, with music, gymnastics, or swimming lessons. Take photos of them as they begin these adventures as they experience the world and learn to like (or dislike) certain things and activities. Friends: Many of your toddlers’ friends will be the children of their friends that they met through their moms’ group prenatal classes. Once they start school, their friendship groups can change a lot, especially if you live in different school zones. Take a photo of them hanging out with their little friends, so they can look back and remember all the fun times they had.

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