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Ask the Doctor Online – A Win-Win Situation

Traditionally, there are some established ways of approaching the doctor for a person who is feeling ill. Communities establish different solutions where normally the public sector is a supporting party at a certain level of commitment. The most common way is for the person to contact a clinic to book a visit with the doctor, either go directly to the visit in person or book in advance from home. In recent years, we have seen some other forms that, if you look at them from the perspective of the efficiency of social society, should develop to become more sophisticated at a faster rate than today.


nursing care facilities

One of these services is the phone call center with nurses who take incoming calls and answer questions about symptoms and give recommendations directly over the phone. They guide well in case the illness or injury is minor, such as a cold or an accident with the knife in the kitchen. Another example is that of niche call centers that have shown great results in getting smokers to quit.

Ask a doctor online 

In keeping with the dawn of the Internet age, “Ask the Doctor Online” arrived. There is no possibility for an online doctor to give expert opinions about the person’s health, as this requires a personal medical examination. The typical response from an online doctor is to give references to knowledge bases or advice on what actions to take next. This is often just what an anxious person needs. People who have health problems that require medical attention will continue later in the health service apparatus and those who are worried without any medical reason will not go that way but follow the doctor’s advice and possibly study more in the area of interest. depth.


Online Advantage: Being Anonymous

There is an implicit strength in remote services such as nurse call centers gold ask the doctor online since you are allowed to be anonymous. People who have doubts about visiting the doctor may not be prepared to reveal parts of their personal integrity. From a distance they can reveal thoughts little by little and always have the possibility to hang up at any time.


Bristol-Myers Squibb and Specialty University Physicians – Case Study

BMS Biopharmaceutical Company – Bristol-Myers Squibb [http://www.bms.com] has been providing questions to the online doctor in the Scandinavian countries since the beginning of this millennium and therefore has a lot of experience in the area. Independent doctors with experience in a therapy area working in some of Sweden’s largest university hospitals are hired to read and answer questions from people concerned about illnesses or symptoms.

One of the conclusions that can be drawn from these years of service is that the most active area of ​​therapy is HIV/AIDS. Less incoming inquiries about cancer, heart and vessel or rheumatism. A differentiator between the online questions about HIV and AIDS versus the other areas is that the level of knowledge of the people who ask about HIV/AIDS is lower and full of anguish and regret for not being careful in sexual relations, as well as a level of postponement. People asking about the other areas seem to be more interested in the therapeutic topic and can comfortably use advanced therapy terms in their proper context.

What can be said about the Scandinavian countries is that they are among the countries with the highest Internet usage and penetration across all demographic segments, as well as having a very long online experience. Other things related to this demographic is that they are homogeneous and considered early adopters of new technologies and services. However, in terms of the use of telehealth services, the Scandinavian countries mentioned in this article are not unique, but rather stand as an example of what we see today as mainstream across the developed world.

development of health services

Online or phone medical advice is part of a successful healthcare organization when it comes to connecting clients early in a disease with a professional who can refer the patient in question to the right clinic or take the right medication. . The clinics receive only the people who need to meet with the doctor and the doctor will make better use of his professional skills. The organizational profitability is obvious.

There is an interesting movement within the European Union where member countries are developing EU performance studies and indicators to compare one country’s system with another country’s. This is really the way political power and science should be best used. Since health services are normally related to taxation, there is a natural drive to constantly optimize the efficiency of health services. Nurse call centers and online ask-the-doctor settings appear to be both win-wins for the public sector that it will provide more health services to more people with higher quality when there is a more “targeted” audience in nursing waiting rooms. the clinic. And, at home, of course, we find satisfied patients who saved their trip to the doctor while hopefully having a great experience connecting with their doctor online.

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