Shopping Product Reviews

Article submission strategy or where to submit your article

When you are seriously determined to work on the ranking of your website, you must understand something very simple: you cannot get to the top through some tricks and do nothing after this; Instead, you should contribute to your product’s consumer community by bringing them really new and important information and make it public by placing non-commercial news on media portals. And the common format for this type of community work is the Article. Obviously the more articles the better, however the quality of the article and unfortunately in today’s reality there is such a thing as search engine optimization or SEO which allows you to take advantage of some holes or weaknesses in the search engines of Internet, like Google, Yahoo. , MSN. It is to be hoped that in the future the gap will be closed, but for our time we would like to give you some advice:

1.Why item? Because the format of the article dictates a minimum of publicity and a maximum of new knowledge or contribution of the author as a reliable source of information. This is why the article is more trusted and potentially ranks higher for your website than other types of news. Also, the article is generally syndicated and you can expect your article to appear on more websites than you submitted it to.

2. Should I support the article with photos and video? Yes, ideally it should, however at the moment most major article media sites do not have the option to upload videos and are limited in image upload support. As time goes by, we expect media portals to switch to new article formats. However, the article is not a video or photo blog; again, the article has new insights, while the blog is more about the author’s impression or amateur fiction.

3. Where to send your articles. There are many competing websites. You need to do your due diligence and analyze the page rank of the media portal; must be greater than two at least. In some cases, you should make an exception and try a new and very promising site to see how Google will rank your article, for example.

4. SEO tricks. We really don’t like this gap in internet search engines, however it is obvious: if you put a high density of your keywords in the article header and dominate the publication of this article in high-ranking media portals, you will be ahead of the competition.

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