
Are some people born for Reiki?

Was this Reiki?

The funny thing is that even before I knew much about Reiki (I was still just a student) I was using my body to heal others. That is, my children. When their heads or stomachs ached, he rubbed them, held them, and rocked them. When they skinned my knee I kissed it. When they were babies I used to dry bath them (not knowing the term) when they were fussy. It always worked. Somehow it could make them feel better and snap them out of even the most intense toddler fits.

All holistic healers use methods to move Ki or energy to heal. Reiki healers are said to

they are even more powerful with their healing because they have been attuned with Reiki. But it seems obvious that just as people are born clairvoyant and others can see etheric layers of energy around people, others must be naturally Reiki inclined. Most schools of thought say no, and I can’t disagree with any certainty, but I feel, think, and believe that for some people Reiki is a part of them.

Perhaps it could be from a past life or receiving energy from someone around you.

Reiki for me is difficult, often frustrating, and requires a lot of time and effort to get comfortable with. I hope they’re just growing pains.

For my daughter, born Indigo, she seems to do Reiki naturally.

He has healed cats and calves, trees and bushes. When I’m feeling tired or stressed, he always seems to know where to put his hands, and they’re always warm and powerful. She has described people in color since she met the rainbow and magnetically takes on all the emotions around her. She has no knowledge or understanding of Reiki.

Is this 10 year old girl using Reiki?

There are even doubts about Mikao Usui’s tune. Was he in tune or was it really the life force from the waterfall on the sacred mountain that opened his crown chakra enough to accept the gift? Obviously prior to this experience he was already a gifted healer.

It’s like sunlight through a tunnel. Other forms of energy change are like trying to force or push sunlight through that same tunnel when the opening is closed. Difficulty, lack of strength and tiredness.

I guess I would say that maybe some people are not born into Reiki, but are born with the predisposition to heal. These people like me and millions of others always send the signal and Reiki almost inadvertently finds them. As for my daughter, when she’s ready I’ll ask her if she wants to be in tune. Until then, she simply protected her aura and supported her natural tendency to heal.

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