Legal Law

A liberal lexicon

If you have the opportunity to get exposure to major media outlets like the New York Times or CNN, it’s important to recognize that some of the words used have specialized meanings that only liberals know. In an effort to make this jargon interpretable for the rest of us, the following lexicon is offered.

CAUTION: The following contains nuances of logic that may be offensive to some ideologues. Reader discretion is advised.

United States: An evil empire that insists on trying to bring freedom to its own citizens, as well as the citizens of other countries.

American people: 1. A fungus-like entity, which must be kept in the dark and fed on dung. 2. A group of jerks who are so stupid that the government has to make their decisions for them.

Broken System: An opportunity for the government to expand its power by “fixing” something that already works.

Capitalism: An evil system that has made Americans the richest people in human history.

Christian: Someone who believes in the principles this nation was founded on, but needs to be granted fewer rights than the Muslims who are trying to destroy this nation.

FCC: A group of five commissioners in Washington who believe they are best equipped to decide what is best for people to listen and watch than 300 million Americans exercising their free market choices.

Disinformation: 1. Facts that do not fit our preconceived ideas. 2. Anything on Fox News

Racial Profiling: Common Sense Law Enforcement.

Radical: Someone who believes that we are a nation of laws and that the Constitution of the United States is the Law of the Land.

Reform: a euphemism for regulation.

Regulation: Government interference in the private sector.

Social justice: Redistribution of wealth.

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