
3 Effective Ways To Introduce Your Child To A New Baby

Having a new baby is going to be a big adjustment for everyone, but especially the first child, especially if it’s a toddler. Young children have not yet fully grasped the concept of sharing, especially the attention of their parents.

While children have different reactions to a new sibling, here are some effective ways to introduce your child to a new baby that will make the process easier:

Introduce him to his brother even before the baby is born.

Experts recommend that you get your firstborn involved as soon as possible so they have plenty of time to adjust. Show him pictures of the ultrasound, take him to prenatal visits if possible to listen to his heartbeat, and let him touch your baby’s tummy and feel the kicks. It would be fun to listen to music and talk to the bump together too. This will help your child get excited about the new baby.

Make the first meeting memorable

Once the baby is born, one of the things to look forward to is the first meeting of your children. To make it memorable for everyone, especially your first child, have her husband or a family member take you on a “fun date” before heading to the hospital to meet her brother. Take him to a nearby park to play or buy him an ice cream; if you are in a good mood before the meeting, it will help create positive associations with the baby.

It would also help if your new baby “gave” a simple gift to your older child. A new book or a new toy and saying “congratulations on being a big brother/sister” will increase your resemblance to the new addition to your life.

Involve him in caring for the baby.

Children love having jobs to do; it helps them have that sense of accomplishment. Find small ways to involve your older child in caring for the baby. Ask her to show her her favorite toy, sing a song, or even throw away a dirty diaper. This will make you feel that you are not left out despite all the changes that are taking place.

In addition to these tips, be sure to make your older child feel like they’re not being replaced. Get the rest of the family to focus on him during times when he needs to focus on the baby so he knows he’s still loved and nothing much has changed.

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