
How to put together an army IRR pack

Package requirements, what to include in your IRR package: 1. IRR Packet Checklist, based on Figure B-59 of USAR Leaflet 600-5. 2. Form DA 4561, Request for Assignment or Attachment of Reserve Component. Completely filled out and signed by the Soldier and the Commander. 3. Your supporting statement/letter and supporting documentation. This is based on the reasons listed in AR…

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Home Kitchen

Washing wine glasses: from a chore to an art form

No one particularly likes washing dishes, and many people reserve it for those times when the tower of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink begins to resemble the Tower of Pisa. But, for those who have a collection of wine glasses, particularly crystal wine glasses, washing dishes properly becomes essential to preserving the glasses’ ability to fully do their job.…

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Digital Marketing

How to calm down before a spoken word performance

At some point, if you’re serious about being a spoken word poet or storyteller, you’ll find yourself in front of an audience performing. Some people, no matter how often they perform in front of an audience, still get nervous or stage fright. Here are some helpful tips I’ve learned about public speaking to help you fight your nerves and stay…

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Health Fitness

3 Awesome Adult Campfire Games You Should Try

One of the best parts of a camping trip is when the campfire is lit and everyone is ready to relax and have fun. Kids can enjoy making s’mores, stargazing, and swapping scary stories around the campfire. But once they’re in bed, it’s time for the adults to have fun! Between drinking beer or wine and swapping stories, why not…

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Legal Law

10 reasons why education law is so important

If you work in a school or other educational establishment, you may already know why education law plays such an important role in modern education. This is what you need to know 1. Schools are just as responsible as other businesses and have to comply with the same type of regulations. 2. Compliance with education laws and relevant government policies…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Does the Law of Attraction work?

”Careful what you wish for”, the famous saying that we all blurt out in our day-to-day conversations. This saying is so powerful that I associate it with the “law of attraction”, attracting like to like. What we get there is what we receive. Do you believe in that law, that we are part of the universal matrix of energy and…

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Real Estate

3 Reasons Why You Should Buy an Oceanfront Condo

Are you planning to retire in the not too distant future? Maybe you should start planning now. One of the most important ways you can do this is to make sure you have a place to live when you retire. Have you ever thought about buying a condo along a stretch of your favorite beach? That would really make you…

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