Legal Law

Can you still teach abroad without a degree?

I seem to get an email with that question almost every week. The answer is a ‘qualified’ yes…for now. More and more countries do not grant work/teaching visas to anyone unless they have a degree. Some countries are more bureaucratic than others. Here is an example: In Thailand, where I taught for 14 years, three ministries are involved in the…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Safe pregnancy for magical mommies

In honor of the Great Mother, and all mothers, I present this to you. Many herbs common in magical studies and practices are dangerous to use during pregnancy. Mugwort tea, for example, part of any standard divination ritual for many practitioners, will cause miscarriage (even late in pregnancy) and subsequent bleeding. Fortunately, most herbs are safe to handle in small…

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Do dogs cry when they have diarrhea?

The dog is a sensitive animal, it cries when it is depressed and there is a small difference between crying and barking. There are a number of reasons why they cry, the reasons are almost the same as the reasons why they bark. When it comes to diarrhea, one has definitely heard and seen stories about dogs doing nasty things…

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Tours Travel

Taking the Federally Designated Scenic Route

If you’re ever traveling through Northeast Florida between Jacksonville and Daytona Beach, do yourself a favor: turn off Interstate 95 and head east to Florida Highway A1A for some of the best coastal riding you’ll find. I will admit some prejudices. My family has owned a vacation home in this area for many years, and we spend most of our…

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Arts Entertainments

An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part II – The Seven Helpers

The 12-7-19 method of Bach flower classification Dr. Edward Bach, developer of flower essence therapy, classified the original 38 essences he used in his practice according to the 12-7-19 method: the Twelve Healers, the Seven Helpers, and the Second Nineteen. In Part I of this series, the flower essences of the Twelve Healers were reviewed, along with the underlying theory…

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The New Workplace – Women Sixteen Plurality and Equality

Guess what people? Your favorite status in the business world recently stopped. Look around you – on business flights, in executive meetings, in project teams – and you’ll see just as many women as men. That’s right, no more majority rule. Sure the good oldies network still controls the top posts, but not for long. According to the National Center…

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