Legal Law

Law School Essay Exams: Focus on Key Facts

“Legal problem solving – identifying and diagnosing problems and generating strategies and tactics to achieve client objectives – is the most basic function of a legally trained person. Most legal problem solving activity involves some legal analysis – combining laws and facts to generate, justify and evaluate the merits of the legal problem “. (Legal Services Practice Manual: Skills, 2010)…

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Real Estate

What are the real costs of selling a home?

Experts estimate that most people who use a real estate agent will pay up to 10% of their sales price in costs associated with the sale. The cost of selling a home yourself can range from 4% to 8% of the sale price of your home. When you are estimating your expected earnings, remember that the cost of selling a…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Dragon Nest game review

Dragon Nest is a free fantasy-based MMORPG game that is available for download online. Although the game specifies that you only need a minimum of 512 MB of RAM to play, it is recommended that you have at least 1 GB of RAM or more to be able to play without problems. This is because the game was only released…

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