
How do I find a friend’s number on Hi5?

There are many reasons why a person may choose to search for a friend on the Internet. Whether you’re trying to replace a lost phone number or trying to reconnect with old acquaintances, more and more people are choosing to search the internet for information. But getting people to do research on the internet can seem intimidating, especially if you…

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Time to take a look at LinkedIn

LinkedIn has many wonderful attributes and a ton of capabilities and possibilities. You may have a LinkedIn account, but you may not be taking advantage of it as much as you can or should. If you haven’t already done so, the first thing to do is make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete. Without a doubt, people will see your…

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Aliens Visiting Earth?

The question of “alien visits to Earth” is now considered valid and deserves further scientific study, according to Kevin Knuth, associate professor of physics at the University of Albany, State University of New York. He recently posted a June 28, 2018, article on The Conversation on this very topic. This question about extraterrestrial visitation stems from a broader question that…

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Are you watching too much television?

A lot of people tell me that they just don’t have time to organize. As the old saying goes, you will always find time to do what you want to do. I am a firm believer that we can find an extra hour, at least, each day to make time to make our lives more sane. I found that mastering…

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Samsung S9: more evolutionary than revolutionary

It’s been a busy six months for cell phone makers. Apple came first with the iPhone 8, followed by the highly anticipated iPhone X. Google stepped in with its Pixel 2. Now it’s Samsung’s turn to join the party. The new Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 + are ready to chat, text and enjoy viewing. While the phones are not…

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The ethics of eating meat

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) intensive animal husbandry reports that five percent of the world’s greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming are caused by raising meat for eating and transporting that meat from the supplier to the consumer’s accounts. by thirteen percent. In real terms, almost a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gases that explain global…

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Antique Area Rugs – The Waving Persian Carpet Trademark

In terms of carpet export, Persia is one of the leading countries. When it comes to their history, the people of this country are undoubtedly good falters. Their art and culture of shaking dates back to early 224 to 641 AD in the “Sassanid” period. The challenges brought by aspiring invaders to take over Persia in its late history did…

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Symbolism in Snow White

Snow White is actually an old fairy tale, which was documented by the Brothers Grimm in 1812. It has variations in other cultures, but the best known version today is probably the Disney version. Many fairy tales appear to be a simple children’s story on the surface, but there are messages, morals, and symbolism contained in the story. A closer…

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