
The best ways to prevent data loss

Data loss is crippling for any business, especially in the big data age where companies rely on digital information to refine their marketing, contact prospects, and process transactions. Reducing the chances of data loss is a vital part of a data management strategy. The first goal should be to prevent data loss from happening in the first place. There are…

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A Brief Introduction to Blockchain – For Normal People

Crypto what? If you’ve tried to dive into this mysterious thing called blockchain, you’d be forgiven for recoiling in horror at the utter opacity of the technical jargon that’s often used to frame it. So before we discuss what a cryptocurrency is and how blockchain technology could change the world, let’s discuss what blockchain actually is. In the simplest terms,…

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The four principles of good food hygiene

In the field of food safety and correct food handling, there are four recognized principles by which the food industry regulates how it relates to all aspects of food hygiene. Together these principles work to cover all critical areas where food contamination occurs. By observing these principles, we greatly minimize the hygiene risks involved in handling food and the consequent…

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Stocks and bonds and a stock collecting chimpanzee

Historically, stocks and bonds have been an excellent long-term investment vehicle. In essence, it means ownership in the businesses that power the world. As the world grows, so do the companies and the underlying stocks that are their foundation. Financial markets are no longer dictated by a few powerful exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange and Deutsche Boerse (German),…

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National scholarship: I have to pay for university

I have to pay for college… Part One: Student Loans If you’re like most high school graduates or thinking about going back to college, the prospect of having to pay for it can be overwhelming if you don’t have a lot of money saved up. According to a 2015 survey of 5,000 Americans by, approximately 62% only had about…

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SIRIUS Satellite Radio – What to Expect

As a potential Sirius subscriber, you may be wondering, what does this switch have in store for you? Why should you invest in Sirius radio instead of the free radio programming available to you? It is very likely that you will find great benefit in these products and services, but until you have the ability to listen to them, you…

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