
When is a West Highland Terrier or a Westie fully grown?

The West Highland White Terrier is an intelligent, lovable, active and fun-loving animal. I’m a bit biased, being the author of crazy about westies. To be honest, I preferred larger dogs until we got our Westie puppy named Pepper. Now I am completely conquered. I find it very funny, especially when playing soccer. He’s just great at dribbling the ball.…

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Why worry about Board Up services?

Your home or business has been damaged by fire, flood, or some other natural disaster. There are definitely areas that are exposed and you are waiting for your insurance to start the restoration process. What should you do while waiting to get an answer on everything? Emergency boarding services are something you might want to consider for the “in-between” time.…

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What causes my dog ​​to foam at the mouth?

You can think of all the things that dogs can get into inside or outside the house. My sister’s dog grabbed a frog the other day, put it in his mouth, and then spit it out. He made sure the frog was okay, but the dog started foaming at the mouth and salivating and all that. They got really scared…

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Different breeds of cats Pedigree or mongrel cat?

Cats are probably the easiest pets to care for and the simple reason is that they are very independent, undemanding and very self-sufficient, but which cat should you go for? Pedigree cat or mongrel cat? Different breeds of cats Cat with pedigree: Pedigree cats are usually acquired deliberately, rather than accidentally, and tend to be more carefully supervised than most…

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10 reasons why being vegan is good for the environment

10 Reasons Why Being Vegan Is Good For The Environment implies a basic respect for animals, a fundamental point of view that protects animals from being exploited by humanity. Vegans choose not to consume animal products: cattle, pigs, all poultry raised for human consumption, chickens for laying eggs, feedlot and dairy cattle. Vegans prefer to eat natural products that do…

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Why you shouldn’t use dog cages as punishment

What is dog caging? The use of large boxes is the fence of wire, metal or plastic with a door in which a dog can be reserved for shelter, security or transport. The creation of dogs can protect the home and when moving to a new environment. Crates are sometimes a highly controversial topic among dog lovers, and it’s understandable…

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Add a Maltese dog to your family

Family life with a Maltese Maltese are good family dogs for families with older children. This dog is a cuddly little companion and loves attention. They are known to have a lot of energy and are very playful. The Maltese prefers confined spaces and does well in small yards and even in apartments or townhouses. Due to its small size,…

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Are you traveling with your pet? It’s not just about the pet… and that should make your blood run cold

Life turned upside down one afternoon on Highway 154, the pass between Santa Barbara, California, and Santa Ynez. Diane Stevenett was traveling with her dog Jake. The car was packed with a plethora of art painting supplies, including a giant white paper roll, painting supplies, brushes, watercolors, music class gear, and Jake “the Great” took up the entire second row…

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Do we clean our hands after picking up dog poop?

What do we have picking up dog poop? Do we make sure our hands are clean? Clean enough to chew on that apple? Or to take a bite of that cookie? Or take our son’s hand? There’s a good chance we don’t even think about it. Because we don’t “touch” anything. But did we? Do we “touch” something when we…

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