
Extra Large Dog Houses for a Saint Bernard

The Swiss Alpine rescue dog also had jobs in the security, herding and hunting industries. Very versatile for a dog that is an extra large breed, the Saint Bernard measures approximately 28 inches at the shoulder and an adult male can weigh 160 to 250 pounds. Therefore, the breed has not only been famous throughout history for their ability to…

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How dangerous are fleas REALLY?

That time of year is upon us once again! The warm weather and blue skies make our dogs beg to be outside for sunbathing. Ah, summer, how we love it! (Like our dogs). Unfortunately, that warm weather and blue skies bring something else with them: fleas. They are a threat to the comfort of our dogs and can wreak havoc…

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Libyan meeting of Barack Obama (in poetic prose)

It is in the dead of night, they are talking in Barack Obama’s meeting room about what is being called a riot! Emphasis on the word ‘Riot!’ They tell him that he can save them … There are cold hugs: they tell Barack that if they don’t send the Seals just forty miles away, their curtains to them, that Seven…

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How to cut your cat’s claws without losing fur in the process

Cat lovers have been known to pamper their pets and you are probably no different. Your kitty has all the latest toys and amenities, including a self-cleaning litter box, treat dispenser, cat grass, all the cat toys known to the pet store owner, and a variety of scratching posts, but the kitten wants to use the couch instead. Nothing you’ve…

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Pairing with your Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback, or African lion dog, although it was bred to hunt lions and is known for its courage, also has its sensitive side and must be handled with care. Rough handling and harsh training techniques will not work with this breed. Rhodesian Crests, or any breed, respond well to rewards. If you take your Rhodesian ridgeback to a…

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Breeding dogs and their new puppy

There is a tremendous amount of information available online regarding dog breeding and choosing a puppy, but no amount of searching online can compare to information gleaned from a personal conversation with a highly regarded breeder. One such person is Bob Wimberg, a Russian Wolfhound or Borzoi breeder from Ohio. Bob has owned Borzoi for 28 years and raises them…

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The trick for Bengal kittens

When it comes to kittens, Bengal kittens have their pros and cons. They make a fantastic pet, but only if you know exactly what you’re getting into beforehand. Too many people just run and buy a pet without thinking about whether it is the right pet for their home or not, and a Bengal cat is certainly not suitable for…

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Shabby Chic Dressers: What’s Your Style – A French Country House or an English Country House?

Shabby chic sideboards and sideboards are a fantastic addition to any kitchen style, contemporary or vintage. The shabby chic style seems to have become very popular recently, as many home and design magazines feature this style regularly, and interior designers on television are using it for home remodeling! If you like this style of furniture, it’s a great way to…

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The Fair Housing Act – Service / Emotional Support Animals

My last post, Service Animals / Emotional Support Animals: What You Need to Know, discussed the fact that if you own rental property, you need to know the laws on service and emotional support animals. We cover the rules established by the ADA, but there are 2 agencies that create regulations regarding these animals: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)…

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Watchdogs for sale around your home

Looking for guard dogs for sale at your home? Some of the most popular watchdog breeds are the Boxer, Bull Mastiff, Doberman, German Shepherd, and Rottweiler. One of the best ways to help keep your home safe. Not only is having one the best way to protect your family members, it also helps prevent potential burglars in your home. The…

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