
Are Silver Labradors purebred?

Silver Labradors have received a lot of attention. These are very pretty silver brown or slate blue dogs that otherwise look like Labradors. Some people claim that these are incredibly special dogs and charge a lot of money for them. Others say they are not even laboratories. Are Silver Labradors purebred and where do they come from? Let’s see this…

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Make the most of your pet cat’s experience

There is a fairly obvious reason why cats are so popular as pets all over the world. That is, they are capable of taking care of themselves to a great extent, but they are also willing to enjoy bonding time with their counterparts whenever they feel like it. This strange reunion of shy self-reliance and warm kindness means that cats…

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How to Identify a Good Quality Yorkie Puppy

The Yorkshire terrier is a very popular dog and is in fact the second most popular dog in the US This means that it is very easy to find a good puppy or it is very easy to get a mixed breed dog without knowing the difference. Not all breeders are ethical and will say and do anything to sell…

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Ten Tips for Pet Snake Health

When you start learning how to care for a pet snake, you discover that there is a lot to learn, but quickly realize that most of it makes good sense when it comes to properly caring for the health and well-being of your pet snake. The fundamental things to consider are what a snake eats, how much and how often,…

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Animal Hoarders: Using Animals to Fill an Endless Void

Many people collect things: antiques, stamps, or coins. Not unusual. Animal hoarders, sometimes known as “gatherers,” are people who hoard animals beyond their space, time, and financial ability to cope. Animal hoarding transcends simply having more than the typical number of animals. The job definition of a hoarder is someone who: Accumulate a large number of animals. It does not…

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Hip hop Blood Sport

The history of hip hop is full of controversies. Driven by money, some of the most successful music artists of the last 25 years have publicly fought fierce rivalries. Unlike other music genres, hip hop fights have resulted in the deaths of artists who brand it as a kind of bloody sport. The origins of hip hop rivalry in general…

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Through the eyes of Katrina poems from the soul of an animal rescuer

Captivating read … Highly recommended … 5 stars The revision Says the animal writer / activist: “This Book of Remembrance is dedicated to all Katrina victims, human and non-human, both living and deceased, who endured a hellish nightmare most of us can only imagine; and to the many compassionate souls who rushed to help them, in whatever way they could.…

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Tenant Rights and Pets: Landlord vs. Cat

Too often I hear from people who are giving up their beloved family pet because the landlord enacted a new no-pet policy, or because they are moving into a rental property that has a no-pet policy. Less often, I also hear from owners who allow cats but require their nails to be trimmed. Before you agree to a rental policy…

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