Health Fitness

How to Restore Gut Health After Using Antibiotics

The first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered in 1928 by a Scottish biologist named Sir Alexander Fleming while experimenting with the influenza virus. He discovered that a common fungus, Penicillium notatum, can control growth or kill certain types of bacteria. He called this newly discovered substance penicillin, which successfully treated some deadly bacterial infections like syphilis, gangrene, and tuberculosis. These days,…

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Health Fitness

Attention, attention, candida victim, eat these foods

In the article titled “” Attention! Attention! If you suffer from candida, avoid these foods “, in which we discuss foods that promote unhealthy levels of candida, we learn that candida begins to develop in the gut like a fungus and that it creates an environment that is ideal for its rampant growth. We have learned that the environment in…

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Health Fitness

Exercising for a healthy heart

Physical activity is important to building a healthy body supported by a strong heart. Your heart pumps about 115,000 times a day to circulate 2,000 gallons of blood; that’s a lot of work! Support your heart with exercise so your heart can continue to support you. Exercising regularly has many health benefits, including preventing or controlling high blood pressure. If…

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Health Fitness

Exploring Rome in style and comfort

In any city in the world, the best option for a traveler who wants to travel in style and comfort, in addition to being located near the main points of interest and tourist attractions of the destination, is to book a design hotel. Rome lends a particular truth to this statement, as most hotels of this particular style are centrally…

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Health Fitness

The 5 most popular strawberry smoothie recipes

Strawberries are sometimes referred to as the “queen of fruits.” Rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron, you can get many health benefits just by consuming strawberries. This low-calorie, high-fiber superfood is known to help stimulate short-term memory, promote healthy bones and eyes, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and prevent cancer. Besides that, strawberries also have powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,…

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Health Fitness

The Cardio Fitness Secret That Powers Lance Armstrong

What is Lance Armstrong doing that you can do to improve your results? Most people exercise to lose weight, focusing solely on that one goal. Aim wait, it’s not just about looking aesthetically pleasing, putting on those skinny jeans, or lose ten pounds. It really is about improving your health and performance. Every day when you’re huffing and puffing on…

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