Digital Marketing

Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories

In many ways, there has been a seismic shift in storytelling that is upending the way we have traditionally done marketing. Let’s consider what this means for the way companies do marketing today. In short, people’s habits are changing and companies must adapt using the storytelling methods of today. Otherwise, people (potential customers) can go where the customer experience is…

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Digital Marketing

The effects of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the future of technology and how we perceive it. With the recent influx of personal assistants from places like Amazon’s Echo and Google’s Home, it’s remarkable how artificial intelligence is growing. With the ability to learn and adapt to its environment, it can prove to be a turning point in how computers work. For example, self-driving vehicles,…

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Digital Marketing

How to use Onlywire for WordPress blogs with social bookmarking

After writing or recording a great blog post, the next step is to promote it through social bookmarking. These accounts include digg, propeller, furl, bebo, delicious, and tumblr, among many others. The problem is finding time to bookmark your content across dozens of accounts. Fortunately, services like Onlywire can automate social bookmarking on dozens of leading websites, and including plugins…

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Digital Marketing

How Social Media Helps Online Marketing

Good marketing is one of the indicators of whether your business will be a success. And these days, there are more ways to get the word out, specifically in the world of online marketing. From ad placement to search engine marketing, mobile advertising and YE Promotion: There are more and more options available to help boost your business. Advertising is…

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Digital Marketing

Differences between SEO B2B and SEO B2C campaigns

The main objective of Business2Business (B2B) and Business2Consumer (B2C) marketing is to generate traffic, increase sales and improve revenue. Keep reading to discover the main SEO strategies that will help you in your goal: 1. Marketing Campaign Goals – In general, most search engine optimization clients have been B2C companies operating in an e-commerce environment. However, as business-to-business marketers recognize…

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Digital Marketing

The psychology of collecting

Where does writing about the Psychology of Collecting come from? I have no degree in any of the behavioral sciences. (I took Psychological Foundations of Education for my teaching credential a few years ago. I got an ‘A’, but frankly, I thought it was all a bit silly.) The answer is simple. I have made a hobby of observing people’s…

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Digital Marketing

How to write a treatment for a reality show

If you are pitching a reality show concept, knowing how to write a reality TV show treatment is very important and understanding how writing a reality TV show treatment is about more than just being able to put your concept into words. . It is an art that must be mastered. A great reality show concept needs a well-written treatment…

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