Arts Entertainments

a processing

Every once in a while, during a seeming moment of personal understanding and enlightenment, I find myself compelled to write a poem. These poems seem to have a life of their own; They almost write themselves. Until I finish the poem, the emotion that I am feeling or the intuition that I have reached will not calm down. And when…

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Doctor Who – The Sci-Fi Survivor

On 23rd November 1963 – that was the date Doctor Who made its viewing day some 44 years ago on BBC television – little did the show’s creators know they had just launched what would become the series of longest running sci-fi of all time! So how did Doctor Who come to be? In 1962, the year before Doctor Who’s…

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Why is a local search engine important for businesses?

“GoLocal”… This new mantra to buy local, buy local and go local, etc. It has become a game changer for businesses. Eight out of ten consumers use search to find local information, which means that if your business isn’t optimized for local search, your business is missing 80% of customers. The local search engine is critical if you want your…

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The benefits of learning games for children

With learning games for kids, children have fun and learn in the process. Between the ages of 8 and 12, children need to learn literacy and arithmetic and establish foundations in science, mathematics, geography, history, and social studies. Children also need to learn about music and arts. Fortunately, there are learning games for kids that can stimulate children’s brains and…

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Health Fitness

High Fiber Foods For Natural Weight Loss As Seen On Oprah

Recently on her show, Oprah Winfrey talked to Dr. Oz about high-fiber foods for healthy eating and natural weight loss. One of the most fascinating elements of the show featured the doctor describing an experiment in which a group of people ate 11 pounds of raw fruits and vegetables for 12 days. The results surprised everyone, as cholesterol levels dropped…

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Lifestyle Fashion

meditation tarot

Below we will provide instructions on how to perform an easy yet powerful tarot card meditation technique. At first glance, meditation and tarot are two disciplines far removed from each other. This, however, does not have to be true. Our meditation can benefit from the use of tarot cards as they are strong and powerful visualization objects. On the other…

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Real Estate

Learn how to become a successful Forex trader

Forex trading is available, enjoyable, enlightening and provides traders with many opportunities. Despite this, most traders do not understand how to become successful traders and not achieve excellent effects within this market. A large proportion of Forex traders have been losing cash. Learning to trade Forex and studying how to trade in general can be challenging. Therefore, we have made…

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Shopping Product Reviews

(Ruby 2.5.1) Windows Fix – "Cannot load such a file – Sqlite3/Sqlite3_native (LoadError)"

If you’re using Windows, you should appreciate that there are several gems that require external libraries in order to be “built” properly. These external libraries are usually not present on your system and need to be installed (and referenced) for them to work. This is why the MYSQL2 and RMagick gems are considered “difficult” to install. If you’re using SQLite3…

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