
Oahspe – The New Bible and How It Was Written

Back in the 1800s, from 1848 to about 1900, spiritualism was very popular in America. It all started on the night of March 31, 1848 in Hydesville, New York when some young women from the Fox family decided to try to communicate with a spirit that had been lurking in their home. Through a series of blows, back and forth…

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Legal Law

Success and happiness: can they exist together?

A poor man was sleeping peacefully under a banyan tree, when a businessman manages to pass through the field. He was surprised that the man, who had barely covered his body with sullen cloth, could sleep so peacefully even during the day. He woke the poor man up and asked, “Why are you sleeping? Why don’t you work?” The poor…

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Real Estate

Tomorrow – Small Vacation Rentals

When we build a business on the Internet, we naturally want to become a large-scale global company. Goal, Do you feel more comfortable in a crowded mall as one of hundreds of faceless customers, or as a valued guest in a cozy store? Do you like your specific needs to be as important to a salesperson as your own? The…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Best Impromptu SEO Tips to Implement in 2021

With over 3.5 billion Google searches a day, you’ll need to follow Google’s rules to rank high enough for potential visitors to find your content. Improving your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts is one of the best ways to ensure you’re making full use of your content. Organizations need a way to assess and view their SEO activities in today’s…

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Tours Travel

Marriott Hotels: Epitome of Traditional Grace and Elegance

If you are looking for style, elegance, comfort and satisfaction, there is perhaps no better alternative than Marriott hotels. Currently, it is a world-renowned name in the hospitality industry. All Marriott hotels offer services to suit all your requirements. The warm welcome and innate services of the Marriott hotel group have garnered much praise and rewards for it. The Marriott…

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A brief history of the turntable

The history of the record player, alternatively called a gramophone or phonograph, begins in the 1870s. The phonograph as we know it was first invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. The phonograph, however, owes its origin to research conducted by Edouard Leon Scott of Martinville, who created a device called the phonautograph in 1857. Edison’s invention was improved upon by…

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