
Media violence and its effect on behavior

One of the most notable changes in our social environment in the 20th and 21st centuries has been the infiltration of the mass media into our culture and daily life. In general, researchers define media violence as visual depictions of physical aggression from one human or human-like character to another. Unfortunately, violence is one of the most popular forms of…

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Big Ticket Depot and Big Value Depot Review

There’s a new player on the online auction scene and it’s a company called Big Value Depot. This company is actually not new, but rather an extension of Vortex Marketing Group. The company founded by CEO Joel Sauceda with Brad Harris as President, is a well-established and proven reliable player in the world of internet marketing. Joel is actually known…

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Digital Marketing

What kind of live streamer are you?

“You take this too seriously,” a viewer once wrote during a live broadcast show. At first, I was offended. After all, her point was valid. People can jump into the live stream and have a good time. It breaks the boredom and monotony of our lives because with the push of a button we can go live and have 1…

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How much does mattress cleaning cost?

You will spend a lot of time sleeping. At a minimum, your direct exposure to your mattress can last up to 7 hours. That said, you do want to make sure your mattress is clean at all times. If you have pets at home, they are more likely to leave dirt and pet dander on your mattress, increasing the chance…

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Why do I keep losing money betting on horse racing?

Are you losing money betting on horses and wondering why? When you look back at the races, do you think to yourself, “I should have done better than that with my bets?” Even though you are a good handicapper, are you still losing money in races? If so, you are not alone. Many people who follow horse racing are pretty…

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Health Fitness

How does cardiovascular exercises improve the quality and quantity of life?

1. Aerobic exercises lower blood pressure immediately. With regular exercise, people with high blood pressure can eventually reduce the amount of heart medication they need to take daily. People with high blood pressure and other heart conditions can also benefit from regular exercise. Reversing the progression of heart disease is conceivable if a person is willing to change their diet…

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Legal Law

Why Legal Rainmakers Have All the Fun

It’s a very familiar scene… you’re working feverishly for a law firm, putting in over 2,000 hours a year of grueling days and weekends, always on call subject to annoying ringtones from your cell phone or blackberry without knowing when work ends and your personal time begins. You work hard, very hard, earn money for the company, and do everything…

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Lifestyle Fashion

The best sun protection tips

The sun constantly bombards us with ultraviolet light radiation that damages our skin. It’s important to protect, protect, protect with a good sunscreen to keep our skin looking good! Otherwise, with that sun damage comes an increased risk of skin cancer. With so many sunscreens available, it can be a real challenge knowing which products to choose and how to…

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Why do dogs get stuck when breeding?

Nature is really amazing! Nature has made a way to ensure that impregnation occurs in canine reproduction. If you’ve never seen dogs mating, you’d probably be worried that his beloved pet would get hurt because some of them would whimper and look hurt as they stick end to end. Helping the dog by separating them could do more harm than…

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