
Wave Solitaire – A Guide to Play

Do you like golf solitaire or crown solitaire?

If so, you might be interested in taking a look at wave solitaire, which combines elements from both games…
The object of wave solitaire is to build 4 ascending suit sequences to the foundation piles.

The game starts with 10 maneuver piles, 4 foundation piles, a grapple, and a discard pile.

Cards in the maneuver zone are dealt in a wave fashion, with 2 cards on the first pile, 5 on the next, then 2 again, etc. So the stacks are arranged like this…

2 5 2 5 2

5 2 5 2 5

Cards are moved to the maneuver zone as long as they are of the same suit and one less in rank (for example, a 9 of diamonds can be moved to a 10 of diamonds). This is similar to the rule used in crown solitaire.
A card can be moved from the talon to the discard pile at any time. All cards in the discard pile are visible, but only the top card can be played.

Cards can be moved to the discard pile regardless of suit, as long as they are 1 less or 1 more than the current card. This is similar to the rule used in golf solitaire.
When a maneuver column is empty, it must automatically move a card from the discard pile. If the discard pile is empty, then a card is moved directly from the stock to fill the empty column.

The most important thing regarding winning the solitaire wave is to look for any reversal. For example, suppose that when the game is initially dealt, one of the stacks looks like this:

  • 5 of Diamonds.
  • 6 of Diamonds.

This is an investment. It takes the 5 to remove the 6, but you can’t reach the 5 because the 6 is in the way. The game cannot be finished without moving the 6 first. To do this, the 6 must be moved to the discard pile at some point when a 5 or 7 is on top.
If you take note of all reversals like this at the beginning of the game and then beat them as you play, then you should have no problem winning wave solitaire.

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