
Types of letters

We come across different types of letters every day. We receive personal letters from friends. We get business letters at work and some collection letters from the bank. These letters have been an integral part of our lives since we were babies. It is interesting to learn the different types of letters.

Below are sample letters:
or Welcome Letter
or thank you letter
or apology letter
or collection letter
o Invoice Letter Template
or Letter of invitation
or marketing letter
o Rejection letter

The Welcome Letter expresses the feeling of happiness and gratitude towards the recipient for becoming a member of an institution or group. The employer writes a welcome letter to a newly hired employee. A student may receive a welcome letter from a college she has approved. Store owners can also send letters to their customers inviting them to try their latest products and promotions.

A thank you letter is a written expression of gratitude. Contains thank you notes for the recipient’s kind action.

An apology letter is a letter of apology, often with a supporting explanation. Verbal apologies are often more difficult than people resort to letters. These types of letters are a good way to reach out and extend to the other party.

The collection letter is a business reminder of outstanding past due receivables or past due receivables that must be paid immediately. It is a written reminder of your obligation to make the necessary payments.

Invoice Letter is a written request for the invoice number of a sales transaction.

The invitation letter is a formal written request for the recipient’s presence on one occasion. They can be informal gatherings like a birthday or a Christmas party. It can also be a business invitation to a meeting. Important details of the occasion are included in the letter, such as the host’s name, date, time, and location.

A marketing letter sells products to customers. They are usually mass produced and distributed to many. This is a good way to spread the word about new products being sold.

The denial letter indicates that a certain application has been denied. A supporting explanation usually follows. As an example, a university sends rejection letters to students who failed their entrance exams. The student will not be able to enroll in her school.

Letters are important means of expressing different feelings and needs. Writing them down helps organize your thoughts and establishes a clearer message.

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