Digital Marketing

The freelance writing job where you write 4 pages for $1,500

If you saw ads for freelance writing jobs that claimed to write four pages for $1,500, you’d probably think they were a scam. But, you can earn just as much for four pages as a freelance writer. “Doing what?” you ask. Welcome to write case studies.

What is a case study?

A case study is essentially a customer testimonial. You may also hear them called hit stores. Case studies are different from standard testimonials because of how they are written/presented. They are written in a journalistic style – lots of white space – lots of graphics to illustrate points.

Typically, case studies can be 3-4 pages long and around 1,500 words. Although they can be longer. They are scored in 3-4 sections. It all depends on the style you wear. The different sections are presented below.

Section I: Company Profile. In this section, you write the customer profile, i.e. the type of business, what is their niche, how long have they been in business, type of customers they serve, etc. Keep in mind, however, that the case studies are only about 1,500 words long. So no need to go too deep here.

Example: ABC Company is an SEO writing company that partners with advertising agencies and web design companies to provide internet marketing and social media solutions to its clients.

Section II: The Problem. In this section, you will list the problem for which the customer’s product/service provided a solution.

Example: Company XYZ’s goal was to increase online sales by 10-20% over the next six months.

Part III: Solution. This is the proposed solution.

Example: ABC Company’s solution was to implement an ongoing article marketing campaign to substantially increase web traffic.

Section IV: Results obtained. In this section, you would talk about how the use of the client company’s product/service helped your client achieve their stated goals. This is the most important selling part of the case study. This is where the client company really shines.

Example: During the first 120 days, company XYZ tripled its web traffic thanks to the implementation of a web marketing campaign by company ABC. As a result of increased traffic, XYZ’s online sales increased 28%, more than double the company’s expected projections in such a short time.

Jane Doe, Creative Director of Marketing at XYC Company, commented:

“Our company was very new to internet marketing. ABC Company took us by the hand and led us through the maze. Their online marketing expertise achieved results that we didn’t expect to see over the next year or so. They did it in less than half that time. We’re impressed!”

That, freelance writers, is the power of a case study and why companies are willing to pay a mint for them (from as low as $1,500 to as high as $5,000 or $10,000 or more). This elongated testimonial style really attracts business. And that is why it is a high paying freelance writing job.

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