Arts Entertainments

The 5 words that are ruining your life

How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn’t good enough? (I realize advertisers would go out of business if this happened, but it’s better for you!) Imagine feeling happy, full, and complete when you look in the mirror at the end of the day.

What if I showed you how you are consciously creating circumstances and beliefs every day that give you results that you are not happy with? Would you like to change it?

It is much simpler than you think. It all starts with the words you choose to use. By changing what you say and what you don’t say, you will begin to create a much brighter future and a more peaceful present right now. I am going to reveal to you the 5 words that are bringing more stress and frustration to your life. Over time, using these words ruins your life by creating a ton of unnecessary mental suffering.

The 5 words I invite you to eliminate from your vocabulary right now are: I want, I need, I can’t, I should, and good enough (okay, these are two words but they’re together, so let’s pretend they’re one word for the sake of to count. Thank you.).

If you would just stop using the word ‘want’, you would transform your life beyond belief. Do it for one day. You’d be surprised how many times an hour you (and everyone else) say “I want to…”

When you say “I want…” you instantly create a feeling of lack within yourself. You don’t really lack anything, but when you want something, you subconsciously believe that you have a hole that can only be filled by getting what you want. This is the source of many addictions that cause people to consume too much food, sex, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, or whatever their personality craves.

“Need” is an extreme version of “want.” You don’t need anything more than food, water, shelter, clothing and love. Everything else is the icing on the cake.

In this sense, it is useful to remember that more than half of the world’s population goes to bed hungry every night. So if you think you need a $3,000 HDTV, keep in mind that you would like it but you don’t ‘need’ it.

‘I can’t’ is a limiting belief based on past experiences. We all know that the past does not determine how we create the present or the future, but many of us live as if it were true. I invite you to re-examine what you think you can’t do.

I grew up hearing that I couldn’t do mechanical things because my brother was labeled the “mechanic” and I was labeled the “scholar.” When I was twenty I finally challenged that belief because he had to to take care of me.

Guess what? When I questioned that theory, I found that I could do many things that I never tried because I was always told that I wouldn’t be able to do them.

Remember that you can be or do anything you commit to be or do. Some things will come more naturally to you than others, but you have the power to always be and do your best.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Stop going into debt.” ‘Should’ is a word we use to exert power over ourselves and others through guilt. The funny thing is that we tell ourselves what we ‘should’ do even more than we do it to other people.

If you realize before you say ‘should’, you’ll see that the ‘should’ that feels so important is just another belief that you can choose to change.

Our minds can be our worst enemies. Our minds are constantly making up things about what is good/bad, right/wrong, important/irrelevant, etc. We are governed by these beliefs, many of which are arbitrary and constantly changing.

Think of a problem that tends to bother you over and over again. Why does this worry imprison you creating a ton of stress when many other people are not even aware of it?

We all choose different problems and punish ourselves for solving these problems, doing it right, taking care of them, etc. They only feel important to us because our minds decided that they are important topics. At the same time, we completely ignore other problems that other people are constantly worrying about. It’s nonsense and also causes heart attacks.

The two most troublesome words ever put together are ‘good enough’. What exactly is good enough? Nothing is. Does not exist. It is a subjective choice that is like a carrot on a stick that is impossible to achieve. He moves further away with each new achievement.

‘Good enough’ is an American resort. It may exist in other countries (although the Spanish language doesn’t even have words to describe it), but in the United States it is in the air we breathe.

Most Americans feel that they are ‘not good enough’. But if you ask them (or ask yourself), “What would be good enough?” they are stupefied. They don’t have an answer as to what it means to achieve ‘good enough’. All they know is that they can find millions of other people who seem to (keyword) have things that they don’t. They think that if they had all these things, maybe they would be good enough… until they see something else they don’t have that they think they want, need, can’t get, or should have. I invite you to choose one of these words a day to stop using. Catch yourself before the word leaves your lips. If word gets out, simply correct yourself with a powerful positive statement.

If you’re about to say, “I want to go to the movies,” just say, “I’d like to go to the movies.” or “I choose to go to the movies.” You are now using words that create possibility and express responsibility. Doesn’t it feel better when you talk like that? If it does. It’s because you speak from a place of power.

It’s your life. Choose to create it with words that reflect the responsible, powerful and masterful spirit that you are.

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