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Natural Cures For Female Infertility: Healthy, Affordable And Highly Effective

There are numerous reasons why infertility occurs in women. Some of these reasons are stress, poor diet, aging, infections or injuries caused to the reproductive organs, endometriosis, etc. Natural infertility can be treated with medications and other procedures. However, there are natural cures for infertility that do not harm the mother and are very cheap. Apart from this, these types of infertility cures are also very effective. Let’s take a look at these extremely beneficial natural infertility cures;

1]Eat a nutritious diet:
Eggplant is considered effective in decreasing natural infertility. Eating brinjal gently cooked with buttermilk for a month can cure infertility in women. Many herbs have been found to be beneficial in improving fertility. Winter cherry is one such herb that helps to decrease infertility naturally.

Vitamins B6, B12, C and E can be called fertility enhancers for women. Eating foods rich in these vitamins can be very beneficial for women who want to get pregnant. Flaxseeds are rich in beneficial fatty acids. Regular consumption of flax seeds can be very favorable to reduce infertility.

Folic acid is a vitamin that has proven to be of great help for women who want to get pregnant. Recent research showed that women who regularly consumed folic acid had a 20 percent increased ability to produce eggs. Women who want to get pregnant are supposed to take 0.4mg of folic acid on a regular basis after stopping birth control.

2]Herbal Cures for Infertility:
Herbal remedies for female infertility work without any side effects. These cures are low cost and completely safe. If you want to get pregnant without going through expensive drug treatment, try herbal infertility cure.

Red clover is one of the best natural cures for infertility as it is rich in vitamins, magnesium and calcium. Helps nourish the uterus and relax the nervous system. Red clover should be taken as a tea regularly. Another great herb for infertility is raspberry leaf.

Raspberry leaf contains a large amount of calcium and therefore helps restore hormonal balance. When taken with red clover, it produces excellent results. To regulate the menstrual cycle, lady’s cloak should be drunk as tea every day. False unicorn root helps maintain hormonal balance and stimulates the ovaries.

it also improves [improves] ovulation. Another herb that helps regulate ovulation and hormones is nettle. Nettle is extremely rich in chlorophyll and minerals. It should also be taken as a tea daily.

3]Proper exercise:
Yoga has gained popularity in many Western countries, yet very few are aware of the extreme benefits of this ancient Indian method of exercise. Yoga is a very effective natural cure for infertility as it restores hormonal balance, regulates menstruation and improves ovulation.

Yogasanas or Yoga postures facilitate fertility in women. Yogasanas like Paschimottanasana, Sarvangasana, Shallabasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana have proven to be one of the best natural remedies for infertility.

If you follow the natural infertility cures above, you may soon be rocking the cradle and changing diapers.

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