
Leash training your simplified bull mastiff

If you intend on leash training your Bull Mastiff puppy, then you need a step-by-step plan. The absolute first rule is to be patient. If you practice patience you will get good results without a lot of stress and strain on you and your new puppy. You can train that puppy leash in a short amount of time with the suggestions below.

The next step is to hope that your puppy is excited and wants to pull on the leash. After all, this leash thing is new to him. It is best to allow the puppy to experience leash time without expecting anything other than your puppy to sit up and calm down. Just keep in mind that puppies are naturally active and when they are new to a leash they will tug and toss it. They tend to want to be the leader of the pack and may try to pull you off instead of you being the leader and they following you. Again, patience is the key. Never yell or yank on the strap. Stay in control by exercising authority and not allowing the puppy to take control of the situation.

A good idea is to keep some dog treats in your pocket before going for a walk. If you find any cat or dog on the walk that catches your Mastiff’s attention, just grab a treat and get the dog’s attention. Let the cat or dog out of sight and continue your walk. Those treats are a great way to keep your dog’s attention and on course.

If you are consistent in training and give praise, your Bull Mastiff will quickly adapt to a leash. Since this breed is large, it is almost imperative that they go on a leash. If you are surrounded by small children or strangers, the leash will be invaluable to you. You are responsible for your dog’s actions, so always keep that in mind. That’s the main reason it’s wise to start leash training when your pup is young. You will be more responsive and learn faster than if you put it off until you are six months or older. It is not a difficult job, it just requires patience.

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