Health Fitness

How to combat PCOS and infertility naturally

Are you suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and infertility? Have you been tired after not being able to conceive? There’s no need to be disappointed, all you have to do is fight PCOS through a wide range of approaches.

To really beat PCOS, you need to make some fundamental changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Check out these amazing tips that will help you fight PCOS and infertility effectively.

Tip #1 – Improve Your Carbohydrate Intake

  • Stay away from refined sugar carbohydrates, for example, white bread, white rice, cakes, candy, breakfast cereals, cookies, and other refined grain products. These are known as “bad carbs” which play a role in insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is believed to be a major factor in PCOS.
  • Refined and manufactured foods are one of the main reasons behind your weight gain, particularly around the abdomen area.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables and whole vegetables are known providers of healthy carbohydrates.

Tip #2: Increase your protein intake

Many women with PCOS eat too much refined sugar and not enough protein. Healthy, quality protein allows you to keep your hormones at a standard level. The best sources of protein are red meat, eggs, poultry, fish, and legumes.

Tip #3 – Change the fats you eat

  • Some fats and oils improve PCOS symptoms, while others improve them. If consumed in excess, vegetable oils, such as corn oil, or artificial fats, such as “trans fats,” can cause cells to not function properly. Saturated fats found in fatty meats and some dairy products are also a poor choice.
  • Olive oil, cod liver oil, flax oil, and fish oil are some great options for consumption.

Tip #4 – Include vegetables in your diet

One of the most important things you can do is eat all your green leafy vegetables. Make an honest attempt to eat no less than 3-5 servings of vegetables a day. Eating a large number and variety of fresh, crunchy vegetables is the cornerstone of self-improvement treatment for the many medical problems associated with PCOS and infertility. Consult top gynecologists to learn more about the connection between PCOS and infertility.

Tip #5 – Exercise every day

We often feel that we are excessively busy or busy, making it impossible to perform physical exercises. However, not doing training is something that you cannot afford. Women with PCOS must exercise regularly more than the normal individual. Regular workouts are known to improve PCOS and increase fertility power.

To get started, try to walk or do another exercise for no less than half an hour every day. Remember, when it comes to exercise, more is better. Also, try different types of exercise techniques. For example, you can practice aerobics or some sports activity.

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