Arts Entertainments

Create a virtual mastermind

What can a group of virtual experts do for you?

Long ago, high achievers realized that they needed to harness the knowledge and experience of other people to solve problems and achieve new levels of growth.

One of the greatest examples of drawing on the experience of others begins with Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the USA and the only one who signed the four key documentsUS establishment. He was also a printer, author, philosopher, politician, statesman, diplomat, scientist, economist, and inventor.


Benjamin Franklin was not born the big brother with the traits of overcoming, as many of us see today. He was the 15th of 17 children. Ben’s father did not graduate from college; he made soap and candles. He was a merchant.

The most fundamental trait that he passed on to his children was his love of reading. Benjamin’s mother realized that although her home was crowded and noisy, she was committed to making it a healthy and happy home.

At the age of 8, Benjamin’s father sent him to South Grammar School, later called the “Boston Latin” school, preparing the young Benjamin to be a minister. Two years later, Josiah ran out of money and brought Benjamin home to work with him in the candle-making business.

Apprentice at 12 years of a printing company:

Benjamin, loved to read and learn. He would borrow books from his friends. From these books he learned grammar, philosophy, and arithmetic. Every time he saved a little money he bought books to read and learn. His friends also loved to read books and regularly studied and discussed them.

When Benjamin was 12 years old, Josiah apprenticed him to his eldest son, James, who was a printer. The apprenticeship was signed for 7 years. (Yes… at the age of 12!)

“New England Current”:

James Franklin started his New England Courant newspaper in Boston in 1721 when his brother Benjamin was 15 years old. It was the third newspaper in Boston. James and his friends wrote articles, opinions, daily news, announcements, and other information.

Benjamin’s Beginning Writing Career:

Benjamin began writing articles and asked his brother James to publish them in his newspaper. James refused! So, 16-year-old Benjamin, under the pseudonym Silence Dogood (she wrote as Widow Dogood, a 40-year-old widow). Benjamin put his letters under James’s door every two weeks.

Benjamin Franklin at age 16 became the printer and publisher of his brother’s “New -England Courant”. James had written an article against the government and was jailed. The following year, 17-year-old Benjamin Franklin became printer and editor for his brother’s newspaper “Courant” for the second time. James, this time, wrote an article “mocking religion.” Once again the court made the decision to imprison him. James escaped from the city.

By September 1723, Benjamin Franklin had had enough of his brother’s “abuse and strict control.” He escaped by traveling to New York and then to Philadelphia in search of a new opportunity in the printing business. He worked several different jobs during this time.

Birth of the Benjamin Franklin Junto Club in Philadelphia:

At 21, Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club, a weekly discussion group of 12 men. Another name later given to his “Junto Club” was the “Leather Apron Club”.

Benjamin decided that merchants should have the opportunity for an education just like rich people who could send their children to be educated at colleges/universities.

The difference for him was reading books, learning from them and discussing them with other people who loved to read, learn, improve and discuss what they read. He thought this would be a great draw. (Today we call it a “think tank, one mastermind” group.)

What questions should you ask your prospective members of your Master Mind or Junto?

What 4 questions did Benjamin Franklin ask his potential Junto Club members to “qualify” them for membership?

“Each person was also asked to stand up, place their hand on their heart, and answer the following questions”: (Updated to 21st century English)

1) “Do you feel “some disrespect” for any of our members?” Answer. I don’t.

2. “Do you ‘sincerely’ declare that you love humanity, regardless of profession or religion?” Answer. Yeah.

3. “Should someone be harmed in body, name, or property, because of his opinions or his religion?” Answer. No.

4. “Do you love the truth and will you strive to find it, receive it and communicate it to others?” Answer. Yeah.

In Benjamin Franklin’s Memoirs he wrote “had formed most of my witty acquaintance in a club mutual improvementthat we call the Together; we get Friday nights. The rules I drafted required each member, in turn, to produce one or more queries on any point of Morals, Politics, or Natural Philosophy, to be discussed by the company; and once every three months produce and read an essay of your own writing, on whatever subject pleases you”.

It was agreed to have “12” members who “were merchants and artisans.” The Junto Club continued for 38 years. When they saw a problem, a need, they found a solution. Education began with the first public libraries in 1731. From the personal libraries of Junto members, they collected books for the first lending library in Philadelphia. Learning through reading, educating everyone regardless of their financial situation. Education for Benjamin Franklin was the great equalizer.

After fires killed people, destroyed homes and businesses, Benjamin and his Junto members started the Union Fire Company, a volunteer fire department, in 1736 in Philadelphia. They also started a Volunteer Militia to protect and secure the colony.

Where they saw a need, a solution would follow.

In 1749, Benjamin Franklin involved some of the Junto members in the design of the University of Pennsylvania and in 1751, the pennsylvania hospital was founded by Benjamin Franklin and his Junto. When Benjamin Franklin saw a need, he worked to find a solution by leading the way with Junto members. Teamwork at its best!

Here are 3 things to consider when training your mastermind:

1. Identify the values ​​of your mastermind. Will it be a business conference? Bible study? Strengthening of marriage? Up to you.

2. Limit your group to 6 people. Bigger than that and it’s impossible to drive.

3. Understand that part of the mastermind is holding others accountable. Be prepared to give and receive responsibility.

So who would you like to have in your virtual brain and what would be your criteria?

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