Real Estate

How do unsecured homeowner loans work in the UK?

Generally, there are two types of loans: secured loans and unsecured loans. Unsecured loans are those that do not require any security to be secured to the lender of the loan. However, a secured loan is one in which the potential borrower would have to obtain collateral or collateral against which the lender will lend money. Secured loans are generally…

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Real Estate

Real Estate Marketing Plan

Are you looking to refine or develop your real estate marketing plan? For those looking for marketing tools for Realtors(R) and Real Estate Agents, Billionaire Agent “Best Practices” include multiple “pillars,” or sources of leads, and refinement of the three key customer touch points. the client. These three key customer touch points are the initial production of real estate leads,…

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Real Estate

Tips for a Proper Home Inspection

Purchasing your own shelter is definitely an achievement in itself. But buying the right house is not easy. There are many things that need to be taken into account. By hiring a home inspector, a proper assessment of a particular property can be made. This helps recover any issues and point them out before one can spend on the house…

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Real Estate

How to handle a courtesy job interview

During the job search, applicants should be aware of the courtesy interview. A courtesy job interview is one in which the company recruiter has no intention of hiring the candidate, but conducts the interview anyway. The courtesy interview is known to human resources departments, and is a practice carried out by all levels of the hiring process. There are also…

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Real Estate

9 benefits of using LED lights

Although you can still buy halogen bulbs, not all types are in production these days. Therefore, it is a good idea to go for LED bulbs instead. If you don’t know, here are some standout benefits of switching to new technology. Long life The most prominent benefit of LEDs is that they stand the test of time. On average, they…

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Real Estate

RATES ARE LOW But is refinancing a bad idea?

Record low interest rates create another refinancing boom. Banks and brokers benefit big time, but what about you and me? Just because your interest rate goes down doesn’t mean you’re saving money. Refinancing could look good and still hurt you. Sometimes refinancing can save you thousands of dollars and get you closer to your goals, but is it always a…

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Real Estate

How to deal with a nosy landlord

Dealing with a nosy landlord can be a tricky situation, since you are actually paying rent to this person in order to have a roof over your head. Maintaining personal boundaries when dealing with your landlord can be uncomfortable and unfortunate if you have to deal with a situation where you get involved in his or her personal life. Here…

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